
Tuesday 26 March 2019


The British parliament is now "defunct" due to it refusing the will of the people and the BREXIT vote to leave the EU on the 29th of March, 2019. Our people will respond, the truckers have said that they will close the motorways, I've also read about the possibility of closing train stations and airports too.

The British people have had enough of the "Defunct" parliament. Time for the people to take action and bring parliament to its knees. To think that some MPs were elected on the basis that they supported Brexit, I hope that they are removed in the next elections. Also don't forget the county council elections and local elections on the 4th of May, 2019.

So make sure you've got plenty of food and petrol in your cars. As dad used to say, the power is with the people when the people are united, enough of a minority of people in parliament making decisions for the majority.

When all elected politicians do is talk, all they've done for three years is talk, it's time to get rid of it of the biggest parliament in the history of the country.

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