
Saturday 2 March 2019


"The main hypothesis of chromotherapy is that specific colours of the visible spectrum are activators or inhibitors of complex physiological, biological and biochemical processes in the human brain such as synthesis of various neurohormons, precisely melatonin and serotinin".

Neurohormonal Balance in Human Brain

"Chromotherapy is based on the effect of coloured light with different frequencies on human neurohormonal pathways, precisely on melatonin and serotonin pathways in the brain. There is evidence that visible electromagnetic spectrum of light we see as colours can have an impact on human health, Circardian rhythm or biological clock is complex fundamental physio-logical and biological cycle in human organism." 

I came across this scientific article whilst I was looking at melatonin research as I believe that melatonin is capable of a lot more than the article's research includes, especially as we age, we produce far less melatonin to keep our brains healthy and that can impact on balance. I view that as another aspect of "atrophy".

Colour is certainly powerful too, and interesting that the article mentions different colours. I did include a colour session in the health and nutrition research that I have been involved in. Although I first began to work with colour in the 90s. I met some wonderful colour healers.

I recommend a read of this article if you have any health issues or are involved in brain research.


The article mentions melatonin and the last time that I took melatonin was when it was given as a remedy with ginger tablets for sea sickness, it works, it also works for jet lag too. After taking them both I didn't get jet lag again. That points me in the direction of how important melatonin is for balance. 

Chromotherapy, fascinating then that since 2012,  Jesus kept on telling me to paint and it helped tremendously. In February, he called this painting "Last Days". It stands to reason that if humans suffer from "atrophy" in their older years, due to the reduction in essential nutrients that includes melatonin produced by our bodies, so do your pets. Another reason why Shiatsu is great for animals as it stretches their muscles and they don't get that from walking.


An interesting biblical verse of the day, "he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without stepping aside". Job 23:10-11. In 2007, the great Melchizedek asked me to wear gold for the second mission to Israel. Although I also wore a gold skirt in 2006 whilst at a wedding in Israel.

The colours that we wear are not only biblical, and align with prophecies, the importance of colour relates to health and our state of consciousness.

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