
Monday 11 March 2019

Carrot Barley and Olive Soup

As Jesus asked for olives, I've been eating olives each day to boost my Vit E that is essential for collagen production. The Greeks and the Italians have great skin, they eat plenty of olives. Our olive skin likes the olives, do you have olive skin?

My soup today is Carrot, Barley and Olive soup.

In my soup is shredded carrots, shredded sweet potato, three cloves of chopped garlic, sliced and chopped ginger to taste. Covered in water (include more while cooking as required). Handful of pearl barley and a large spoon full of honey. Rock salt and black pepper to taste. If you like any herbs or spices you can include those too, although I think the ginger is enough in this soup.

Once cooked, allow it to cool prior to liquidising. Then return it to the pan for reheating and include your olives and Greek Feta Cheese. If you prefer a different cheese to sprinkle on the top than include that instead. You can also include a cream topping if you like creamed soup, if you like it milky you can include some goat's milk that is great for the back.

Soup is great for children and also for elderly people as it is easy for their bodies to digest and you can include lots of nutrients in the soup.

For after the soup I've made some carrot cake. I make a small two egg carrot cake included cinnamon golden sultanas and ordinary sultanas. A spoonful of vanilla essence. This time I replaced some of the flour with grounded hazelnut and included the usual cream cheese topping that includes a little caster sugar. Lovely. Carrot cake is one of my favourite cakes. So plenty of Vit A this week.

Remember this that your body was made to process food and not eat processed food. So do your utmost to keep processed foods to the absolute minimum. Especially if and when there are any health issues. Eat the best that you can within your budget!

As the Lord said to yours truly, "You don't eat much, but what you do eat is quality".

Quality is better than quantity!

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