
Tuesday 12 March 2019


I had another dream and in the dream was the bath again, this time the bath had yellow lines all around it. The lines looked like they had been painted on.  Yellow the colour of creativity, yellow lines are found on the roads in the UK. 

In dream interpretation if a bath had no water in it, it can indicate a warning against making any decisions or actions carried out in 'anger'. As I said to Tommy, stay calm, stay peaceful in your heart because whilst people suffer from PTSD they can be triggered easily. It is important for his own health that he stays calm in the face of adversity. 

Tommy is in court today in Peterborough, and for three days he will be in court, best wishes to him. 

Tommy has taken Cambridgeshire police force to court for "harassment" of himself and his children. 

Apparently, just prior to the court hearing they offered him a third offer of a settlement out of court. He refused it and the case is being heard. 

I just read a Cambridge newspaper on-line and the people in the gallery are being asked to remain quiet or they will not be allowed to return to the court room. Stay calm and peaceful everyone.

He's in County Court and it is written that he took his oath on the bible.

Journalist James Delingpole has Tweeted, "They went to a pub where the local police, citing a 'section 35' ( a rule designed to control football hooligans), told them they must all leave Cambridge immediately". "Both the pubs landlady and security told the police that Tommy and his kids had behaved impeccably. Police nonetheless forced Robinson and kids out of town on pain of arrest". 

"This will be an interesting test of English justice". 

James in court with Tommy and Ezra. As Tommy said if this was a case where the state were prosecuting all the media would be there to report on it. 

Ezra had to apologise to the judges for trying to speak to the police officers, police officers spoke to the judge and said that they felt "intimidated" by Ezra and his questioning of them. 

Goodness gracious me, how do you think that people feel when the police "intimidate" innocent people on a day out with their children! How would they feel if what they did to Tommy and his family, it was done to them? 

Ezra has posted a video that he is "angry", remember these words,  "Righteous anger can be transformed into compassionate action". To help and defend Tommy. 

There is a song called "Yellow Lines". 

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