
Monday 11 February 2019

The Sheepskin Coat

On the 14th of December, 2018, I had a dream and in the dream I had to give some beige shorts to another woman that was standing opposite me. Then both my hands could be held.

Prior to going to sleep I asked Jesus to show me what he'd like me to do. Then this morning when I woke up I was shown a vision of my mother's sheepskin coat, it is to be given to a charity shop.

The sheepskin coat has a symbolic meaning in the NT for the world was not worthy of those that wore sheepskin and or goatskin. I wore both in the 70s.

Both of my parents wore sheepskin during their lives too.  Hebrews 11:37-40. They were certainly "persecuted and mistreated", a lot of the working class have been, including Tommy Robinson.

They've even tried to make him and his family "destitute" by removing his working life from him. He is a 36 year old man with a family to feed, and a film crew to pay with all of the expenses that brings.

Today, Tommy has shared another snippet from his documentary about the BBC, the BBC journalists that spend over £200 on lunch at your expense.

While the BBC journalists are living off the backs of the poor, they've also been "persecuting" a man that is defending the poor! Got the picture? Do you remember what they did to the Son of Joseph?

The removal of the sheepskin coat from my wardrobe is important energetically, he's asking me to give my mother's sheepskin away. So what does it mean? There has been a big planetary shift since Mercury moved into Aquarius on the 9th of February.

With the removal of the sheepskin coat, comes the removal of what it represents in a symbolic sense. This is a different timeline for yours truly, it is different to my parents timeline, and my mother's timeline when she outlived my dad, the Son of Joseph.

A new journey begins, the 21st century was born in wisdom more precious than rubies. Interesting that my mother bought my gran Sophia a garnet ring, that was then given to yours truly. Then a certain person took that ring that only held sentimental memories connected to my gran Sophia!

Wisdom's artefact, Proverbs 31

This was sown after my gran Sophia had passed over, although she would've loved the bedspread mentioned in the biblical prophecies because she loved her grand-daughter beyond measure. She was a woman of few words, although everything that the elder said, was profound and she made it easy for the child to remember.

We used to happily sing and dance together, an amazing Christian woman that blessed my life with singing and dance, while she still could. She had a powerful impact upon my worldview while she was bringing me up, so I understand the youth that now say that I remind them of their gran.

People are sent into our lives for an important reason, and I cherish the best of memories of our loved ones, and ask others to do the same. As the youngest Son of Joseph said after he passed over, "Forget-me-Not". I did not forget how the socialists that he defended during his life, turned on him at a crucial time in his life. I did not forget those that didn't help him, and those that took him down. I did not forget what the media did to him, nor will I ever.

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