
Friday 15 February 2019

TENDONITIS What Doctors Don't Tell You!


February, 2019

Message received, "GALATIC MOVEMENT".  Jesus likes me drinking goats milk.

The dictionary link provided says that the Greek word "Galaktikos" means "Milky". In Physiology, it is pertaining to or stimulation of the secretion of milk.

Although if you put the word "Milky" into the translator for Greek, it is spelt, Galaktodis. 

What did I have today for my physiology after my physical exercise, goats milk with a banana in it with fresh lemon juice (half a lemon) and a large spoonful of marine collagen.

My exercise included inversion therapy and muscle stretches. I also took my supplements, 60mg of CoQ10, Vit D3, and 1-glutamine. After the inversion therapy, and muscle stretches my body felt a lot better.

One of the great things about the goats milk is that it is great for the back, it's great for the structure of the body. Goats milk has more potassium, iron and Vit A than cows milk.  My goats milk comes from St Helens Farm, East Yorkshire in England. It's great to be able to see the farm where the milk comes from.

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