
Saturday 23 February 2019

STAG Sheffield Tree Action

Stag Sheffield Tree Action Groups have been campaigning against the removal of their trees. When the people of Sheffield demanded access to more of the plan, they found that another 17,500 trees were planned to be removed. Historic trees that are required for oxygen for people, every body requires oxygen, including the eco-system of the planet.

This video shares that £66M of healthy trees were planned to be removed by Sheffield council.


February, 2019

It's written that due to a wave of criticism and protests, on the 26th of March, 2018, the city council announced an immediate pause of the "tree felling scheme".

Amey bought Carillion rail contracts.

They plan to run trains and vehicles with 5G and they're calling it "Mobility Technology".  Amey Plc is involved in the infrastructure of 5G.

Ian Crane has also shared in his live stream last night that Amey plan to remove trees from the rail routes due to the fact that the scientists know that the trees impact upon the technology. 

Stop 5G

In this video it shares that the Sheffield trees were put in after WW1, in honour of the people and their lives. These trees are one hundred years old, in my experience house and road builders built too close to trees and our natural habitat.

Too much concrete is killing the natural habitat and wildlife of our country, our country is overpopulated. The hedgehogs can't get through the fences and between the houses to move around, they're startled by the headlights of the cars, what mobility do the hedgehogs have?

Can EMF's impact upon your dog's life? They impact on everything.

Impact of radiation on wildlife.

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