
Tuesday 19 February 2019


While watching a video on youtube and typing, a purple sphere with a golden centre appeared on the back of my hand.  Biblically the right hand is the hand of length of days.

Interesting that Gerard Batten has Joseph as his middle name and these are the colours of UKIP's corporate identity.  England is the land of Joseph, and many people from all walks of life are becoming members of a political party for the first time in their lives, including myself. I finally owned up to the fact that I have supported UKIP since 2007 by joining with those that have been helping our country and people.

With Chiron in Aries I think this is a good time for UKIP and it's leader. Gerard has a huge cross in his birth chart and five fire signs, 3 earth, 3 water, and 2 air. So plenty of Christian compassion in that chart.


19th of February 2019

I'm sure that a lot of UKIP members and supporters will be in Salford, Manchester on the 23rd for the big screening of the disclosure about the BBC. Have a great time everyone, the energy is flowing, and I will be with you in Spirit, while watching tenderly, beaming love from my eyes in your direction.

I think UKIP has found it's legs with the working class, UKIP are here to stay, length of days.

Did you know that it was the EU directive that pushed for the pension age to increase and that is why women born in the 1950s were refused their pension when they were originally promised it.

Did you know that has cost British women at least £50,000 per woman born in the timeline.

Yet, EU MEP's get to retire and have a pension from the age of 63, that's not fair is it - that's not equality is it?

Did you know that no other government in Europe pursued the 1950s women and their pensions like the British government did to plunder it. Did you know that Jeremy Hunt was celebrating his success in America, the fastest money he ever took from any social economic group? Now they've increased the male retirement age too, and plan to continue to do so.

Teachers in education in their 40s are being told that they won't be able to retire until they're 70, as they won't get their pensions prior to that!

Come Sisters of the Rose, remember the spiritual were told that the Sisters of the Rose would manifest when we turned into the new millennium. Nearly two decades have gone by, it's time to show yourselves for all to see.

The Spirit and the Bride say come!

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