
Sunday 10 February 2019


February 2019 

Tommy's team have gone undercover to expose Panorama and the BBC. As far as the BBC are concerned the white working class are "Cannibals". The full documentary is being shown in Manchester on the big screens on the 23rd of February.

The 23rd of February is the "Day of Problem-Solver" in numerics. Journalists from America, Australia and Canada are planning to arrive for the big event in Manchester. In this video you can listen to a snippet from the documentary.

Everyone is welcome to join Tommy in Manchester for the big screening for all the world to see. The documentary film makers say this film vindicates Tommy completely. The timing is perfect as on the 9th of February, Mercury moved into the two last degrees of Aquarius. As author Robert Wilkinson wrote, "It's a cosmic moment in time".

I stopped paying for a TV licence in 1998, 
that's when I removed the British television from our lives.

How about you? 

As Jesus said, LAST DAYS! 

How are we doing UKIP, are we doing better than Nigel Farage?

Lord Pearson and Gerard Batten were absolutely correct to give their support to the working class. 

Spread the news everyone, it is very exciting. 

Best birthday present ever. 

Thank you Yahweh, he always has a lovely surprise for me on my birthday. 

Absolutely fabulous, definitely a cosmic moment in time! 


Tommy has announced that even if they try to stop the showing of the film in Manchester, a copy of the documentary has already been sent to America, Australia and Canada. The film of what the BBC think of the working class in the UK, will be unveiled for all to see. He's also got his lawyers writing to various journalists due to what they've written about Tommy because it just doesn't stop, and Tommy has had enough of the deplatforming and so have we! 

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