
Sunday 3 February 2019

New Branch New Projects

This Aquarius New Moon, 4th of February. It's a time of moving on, accepting the new branch offered, and new group projects working together. Spring time has finally arrived, my patio apple tree is budding. 

The Olive Tree kept it's leaves on all winter, it has done great outside. Rosemary is doing great, oregano and thyme are still doing great. The blueberry bush is still bare but that will pick up. 


Watch this space for new developments and news of progress as people are coming together now to create their group projects for the community that they choose to be with, and live with. 

I have a strong sense that intentional communities are moving on to the next phase of their development with people coming together to create them. People have really got the message now of what's not working, and what is! 

Yesterday I was watching a new project that is getting started in Suffolk for 65+ year olds. The group are buying the land and priory from the Church to provide living space and community space. It's going to be run as a non-profit to help the people living in their village and the community space will be used by the other villagers too. The plan is for the people that live there to help and support each other. 

Instead of individuals all living in their houses on their own, they will be moving into a lovely housing project surrounded by beautiful countryside. Lots of room for gardening, and whatever the people living there would like to do. A very positive move for the people living in Suffolk, England, as after the first project is established they hope to start more.


Prior to writing this blogpost I was given "Matron", that's an interesting word isn't it? Matron comes from the Latin for "Mother". In England we have the "Matron of Honour", who looks after the bride, sometimes it is the brides mother, sometimes it's a close friend. There is also a horse race called the "Matron Stakes" Big smiles.

We can look forward to some positive spiritual energy and spiritual love, even the youngsters are getting the panoramic view now and would like to hug a more spiritual and fulfilling life.

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