
Wednesday 20 February 2019

Master of Medicine Poetry

There were people that were not looking at where they were going,
in fact many were not looking at all.
Those people didn't have the panoramic view.
They could not see into the future,
they made nudity their pull.

The writer of skill continued to chisel the spiritual art
guided by the amazing angelic force.
Positively, and divinely led and fed.
Michael knew he understood, whomever could.
The journey of aloneness manifesting the realisations
and the revelations.

The mother that took the chance to move beyond
where others had been before. The unsurpassed.
Always moving forward, allowing others to follow
only if they wished to live.

Men were excited to hear that which they didn't know,
the seeds that they had planted had grown.
It didn't cost much, just some love and pure intent.
Nature and Spirit did the rest.

Some women could see and some could not,
some knew the reason for the recluse.
Those that were not blinded by their own ambitions,
celebrated the true light of love that they had seen,
standing on a hill top with the light on!
The Spirit and the Bride said, "Come Up".

The home of the blessed mystic, when the mystic
said, "be still, allow the light of love to show you
the way, you shall not be thrown away".

There was no pleasure that could be compared with wisdom,
there was no restriction that could contain her dance of
freedom to heal.

Nothing could stop her from taking action.
and going in the right direction.
Love compelled her heart forward with health,
a master of medicine, healing arts with spirituality.

Youth required her patience, patience to integrate, the patience of a saint. 
Her happiness and joy was united with the brave souls and souls of compassion, 
those that understood. 

That meant more to her than relationships, even friendships, or fellowships. 
Men that loved her had regrets but she had none, life was fun.  
Shocks were overcome, there was always a healer to 
appear in her dreams, her life is more than it seems or appears to be.  

Career offers kept on coming, her parents were pleased, 
they knew it was sincere, the light of the sun shone brightly. 
Strong intuition, and many insights, helped her in business, 
and also helped her friends. Those that listened and put the effort in, 
did not commit suicide. Instead they stood by her side.

She was loved prior to birth, and loved throughout her life. 
There was always someone that loved her, 
for her naturalness in her performance of being herself. 
From the very beginning she knew that 
love was the only way to stay. 

Victory came and victory left, 
the name of a pub. 
While the elderly prepared to leave, 
the youth inspired by her 
insisted that she carried on. 

There is still a lot more work to be done, 
in complimentary medicine.  
When Jesus knelt before her it was a big surprise. 
He says, "Your story has to be told". 

So what is special about today, the 20th of February, 2019. It is the "Day of Impression". Another word with SION in it. Zion! 

In Judaism, today is a special day, Shushan Purim, the festival that celebrates. 

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