
Wednesday 27 February 2019

John Sweeney BBC

Over a million people have seen the Panodrama documentary made by Tommy and his team.

However, this is another video of John Sweeney an author, and reporter for the BBC. In this video there is more words spoken by John Sweeney where the man describes himself.

In it, he also talks about Donald John Trump, Sweeney is also pro-EU he says.

Pro-EU means "anti-BREXIT", the "anti-BREXIT BBC". That means that John Sweeney and the BBC are also anti-democracy, so are all the other people that stand against our democratic vote to leave the EU. One referendum, that is all that was required for the people to vote with their feet for freedom from the "EU dictatorship" and plans for a "Federal Europe" with it's own army paid for by you.

This reporter is currently working for BBC Newsnight his website says, for how much longer will he be doing so after these disclosures. Remember Jesus spoke of the disclosures that would come in the last days of the end times.

This is the man that called the British working class "Canibals" during lunch with a different investigative film maker and that was included in the Panodrama!

It has been proven that John Sweeney does not implement the so-called BBC standards, yet, they have continued to allow him to work for the BBC. He admits that he loves the fact that the British general public pay his wages and expense account.  Perhaps it's time for the British public to stop doing so. I got rid of my TV and BBC license in 1998, I'd had enough of its bias then, have you?

Listen to eight minutes of this where John Sweeney admits that he is a "Liar" now we know what the bible says about that don't we!

As Jesus said, "LAST DAYS" 

February, 2019. 

Since Tommy shared his documentary, Tommy, his friends, his FB editor, Brian of London, that lives in Israel have all been deleted from FB. Members of UKIP and supporters of UKIP have had their profiles deleted from FB. Former Breitbart London editor, Raheem Kassam from a Muslim family has also been removed due to the consistent campaigning against them by the Sharia Islamist charity Ramadhan Foundation, surely, it is time to put an end to the "Islamic dictatorship" in the UK.

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