
Tuesday 5 February 2019

Ed Sheeran Dream

This morning I had another dream and in it a man had broken into a humble home, I was in the lounge and there was a fireplace on my left.

I heard a noise and went to the kitchen. I then saw a younger man and he had fair hair. He looked like Ed Sheeran and he was wearing a beige woollen jumper.

I stared at him and I saw that he had smashed the door of the washing machine and I asked him why he did that? He just stood there looking at me. Then the dream ended.


In dream interpretation to see a washing machine in a dream can indicate an unexpected vacation or change of location. Ed Sheeran grew up in Framlingham in Suffolk, in the 80s I ran an antiques fair at Framlingham school in that location. Ed Sheeran grew up in a beautiful rural area.

I used to have a pharmacist friend that lived in Framlingham, I also worked with a Creator Director that lived there too. Connections with Ed Sheeran's home.

If the kitchen and property in your dream was a humble abode it can indicate that a health check up is required. In dream interpretation if your dream includes someone famous it indicates that you will get help from an unexpected source.

To ask questions in a dream is a sign of good luck!


Original artwork size A3 
4th of February, 2019

Ed Sheeran was born on the 17th February, 1991, that makes him an Aquarian and it is the New Moon in Aquarius, so I am not surprised that I have had a dream about an Aquarian that was born in one of our English rural areas, that I hold deeply in me heart. 

1991 would give him a Capricorn North Node soul journey too. In the dream he was wearing a beige woollen jumper and that is not surprising as he was born in the year of the metal sheep, 2019 is bound to be a great year for him. 

Moving home is great for him because the direction of east, south east, and south is beneficial for him, most successful direction for him. The tender lamb is usually gentle and kindhearted, generous and likes to help others and be charitable, that is very Aquarian sun sign energy, the epitome of it. 

No matter what - always stay humble in your heart. 

While I was writing about the dream, an elderly homeless man came to my door, WILL came to tell me that he been made homeless three days ago. 

I asked where he had stayed the last three days and he said at his mothers. One of the issues for their mothers that live alone is that if one of their children have to go home due to being homeless, it puts up their housing costs and council taxes. 

A lot of mothers can't afford to pay the extra tax because their pensions were removed from them. Also sometimes their health conditions are too much for their mothers to handle, especially if the mothers are also suffering with health issues.

This is the second homeless man that has been brought to my door in the last couple of months. Both men have been on pharmaceuticals since they were teenagers. Where were their parents heads and hearts at? 

They've been "abandoned" by those that prescribed them with drugs and are paid to do so. Those that earn money from giving out pharmaceuticals provide no protection for those vulnerable men, and it is mostly English single men that have found themselves in a homeless situation. While the doctors and those that work for the pharmaceutical corporations sit in their comfortable homes living off the backs of these men! 

I gave him some almond cake made with my healing hands before he left. He asked me if I had made the cake myself, I replied, "Yes". His face lit up with a smile and he said, "Thank you". 

Ed Sheeran also released a song called, "Homeless".

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