
Sunday 10 February 2019


Mercury is now in the last two degrees of Aquarius, and as we know the mercurial energy is about communications so what is important to impart? Eating properly as that was shown to us in a recent dream of the American singer, musician, that was told that he wasn't eating properly.

I appreciate that what people eat can be difficult when they are working hard, working long hours and or on tour. I've been there and understand it. However, there comes a point in your life when you have to make living healthy a priority.

I was very young when I received that wake-up call, I was in my 20s sharing a flat with people from the music industry, I had "gall stones" and it was incredibly painful. It was so painful that I asked for more painkillers, the hospital doctor said that I couldn't have anymore because they were "narcotic".

Whilst living with my family I was always fed healthy food, mum was a great cook and really into making healthy food. However, when I left home, working six days a week, there is more tendency to not think about your health because at that age you are often more interested in your career and relationships. Until the day comes when you begin to suffer the consequences of what you have eaten, then comes the wake-up call.

If you get that wake-up call when you are young, it was meant to be, because it shapes your view of food and its importance to your health. However, why wait for a wake-up call? Why aren't we teaching children how to eat properly in education and how what you eat impacts upon your anatomy and the systems of the body?

The reason is that biological science, combined with anatomy and nutrition isn't being taught in schools as a subject matter. Nor is how to grow your own food, or how to cook properly. When I was at secondary school at least they did teach us some cookery, and we had large kitchens that we worked together, the boys and the girls, side by side. I think that is one of the reasons that we've had so many great British chefs.

In Tibetan Buddhism first comes right thinking, second comes right eating, e.g. eating properly, is right action!

Biblically, doing anything properly is to do with self-discipline and self-control, being master of the self and your own temple. However, how can people attain that gnosis unless they're made aware of the sheer impact of what they eat and how that can impact upon the building and restoration of their bodies? There was an amazing story in the Sun newspaper shared last year of how an elder with "dementia" beat it with blueberries and food that was more appropriate for her health condition.

Her blessed son was determined to find the solution, I totally applaud him for his commitment and making her health his priority. I also appreciate Norwich University that have been doing some great scientific work with food.

The science of nutrition, brilliant work, divinely inspired to save our people that pay attention and care fully about health, as a priority for our people. Health is most important for what enjoyable life can you live without it? Ponder upon it, what is the greatest success in your life, did you overcome, and what did you overcome health wise? Did you share it with your children, did they have the ears to hear?

The eyes to see and the heart to understand, or did you just allow your children to learn for themselves due to their own decisions?

Sometimes it doesn't matter what you share with your children whilst they're growing up, some still have to take your journey to learn what we had to learn about food and health. History sometimes repeats itself in different ways!

Especially the boys, usually they don't like being told anything, they have to be able to express their free will, even if they get ill in the process. That doesn't stop us loving them, been there got the tee-shirt.

We've all been young, and the awakened had to return to living in the most healthy way that we possibly could. History certainly repeated itself in the daughter of the Son of Joseph, he too had to return to eating properly!

After the veteran passed over (in the 1980s) he said, "Forget-me -not", profound words indeed, on so many different levels of consciousness and the living of life! To think that my mother and I lived longer than he did, length of days. The only regrets that my parents have is that they didn't teach their children how to grow their own food, when they had plenty of garden to do so in Kent!

That doesn't mean embracing the Indian guru's that told their followers not to eat onions or garlic, garlic is currently the scientific number one "anti-cancer" food!

That doesn't mean following Muslims that don't drink, because medical scientists have been injecting alcohol into the nerves of the "cancer patients" for 30 years, with success in stopping cancer from spreading.

Last week Jesus asked for dates, and scientifically, they are another "anti-cancer" food, especially for the colon. So who is right, you decide for yourselves, for I know who is right when I am divinely guided with it.

"The Lord preserves the souls of his saints", Septuagint Psalm 96!

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