
Thursday 14 February 2019


On the morning of the 13th of February, I had a dream of another Aquarian, she has had her birthday in recent days. Not the first time that the former friend as appeared in my dreams.

This time in the dream everything in our location was Egyptian, everywhere I was shown had Egyptian things. The English woman was also introduced to me by an Egyptian when he brought her to my home to look after her.

Then while I was in town I noticed a hotel group had taken over a large former store and it has been changed into a hotel. The hotel chain is owned by "Flying Trade Plc", in 2014, and 2018, the directors were listed in the UK Asian Rich list, the group is run by Suki and Harry Dulai. The Harwich based group is also involved in food and construction.

Then has I turned the corner walking towards the castle that can be seen by that hotel, I saw police, I asked locals what has happened and was told there had been a murder at the weekend, right next to the ancient castle. In fact there were three different incidents last weekend involving the "Drug gangs".

After that a friend and I met up for a birthday drink in an ancient English historic hotel, we were told that dogs are not allowed and that we would have to leave. That hotel is now owned by the "Flying Trade Plc" group! It is written that the name Dulai is from India, you can find Sikh's with the name  and Muslims on-line!

Also a friend shared with me that we now have taxi drivers that will not permit dogs in their taxi's, due to them being Muslims, I replied that she should complain to the council. As the council must be true to our country, our location and it's historical heritage that includes Christianity. It was the Romans that built the ancient castle.


February, 2019

Do you think that the Italians in Assisi would allow what is happening in our location to happen in Assisi? Definitely not, they wouldn't allow the cultural genocide of Assisi, so why do the English put up with it in England? Of course St Francis loved animals including dogs.


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