
Friday 8 February 2019

Cosmic Moment In Time

Author Robert Wilkinson shares with us this "Cosmic Moment In Time".

On February the 9th Mercury moves into the last two degrees of Aquarius, the 29th degree.


February 2019

The numeric of 29 is also "Grace Under Pressure" in numerics. I have a Gemini moon sign, and Gemini is the communicator. Hence there is a lot going on related to communications and how people are communicating, that also includes the communications within your body.


Interesting that I bought a new telephone today on-line, a landline telephone for communications is essential for years truly. Due to the silver wheel painting, I decided to get a silver coloured phone, very mercurial.

As far as BREXIT is concerned, I think a lot of people are shocked at the communications coming out of the EU, Theresa May looked like she had tears in her eyes in her response to the EU and it's communications.

In hindsight, I think that us going into the EU was a blessing in disguise, because now our people that are awake are defending our culture in pro-active and responsive ways. Our European cultures have been under pressure for a very long time and the moment has come to embrace all of the advantages of leaving the EU. In defending our culture we are also defending our people and the future for the children of our nations in the UK.

Some people have mentioned Scotland, the fact is that the Scottish asked for help from yours truly, the wondrous woman from heaven. Some people have mentioned the Irish, and I shared again that the Irish business people believed what their politicians told them that we would vote to stay in.

When in fact, our people in the majority voted to leave. That was a big surprise for the Scots and the Irish as both Scotland and Ireland rely on doing business with the English! Our business partnerships are important to them.

Now the Irish find themselves in a position where they have to fight against the Irish 2040 political plan, to replace the Irish and it's historic culture. Grace is certainly under pressure in the same way that our cultures are. The other aspect of the Irish situation, is the fact that the American corporations opened offices in Ireland to take advantage of lower taxes that the Irish offered businesses.

If my memory serves me well, they were offered a 12% tax on their revenues, in exchange for bringing jobs for the Irish people. However, it was found that at the Google offices, only about 5% of the 7,000 staff were Irish born citizens. So offering lower taxes to the American corporations didn't provide the return that the Irish politicians and financiers were hoping for.

Drug gangs have moved into various locations, and wherever there is drugs, the combination of pharmaceutical and recreational, "violence" certainly follows and that puts grace under even more pressure because it impacts on everything, especially, health, housing and the community.

Dr Peter Breggin, Scientific and Medical Expert on pharmaceuticals.

Remember this "Violence vexes the Spirit of God" and it impacts upon everyone's health and quality of life in the UK. So make sure that you open your mouths and communicate it, for as Jesus said, "Silence is Compliance", and we shall not be silent, not now, not ever. We voted with our feet, we walked straight into the voting booth, to leave, with no compromise on it!

Gerard Batten, MEP and leader of UKIP has sent a brilliant letter to the British Monarchy. In his communications he clearly pointed out the constitutional crisis, as far as the treaty with the EU is concerned.

Basically, what the politicians did was "treasonous"because the treaty made the monarchy a subject under the EU parliament and it's laws. The British monarchy are certainly under pressure and are being challenged to rise to the challenge of the communications that is being presented to them.

Some people are pushing for Jacob Rees-Mogg to become PM, when in fact, Gerard Batten knows more about BREXIT has he has been working in the EU for decades and did all the groundwork on it.

Certainly members of UKIP and UKIP supporters have to take action now, due to the forthcoming elections. UKIP are also asking members and supporters to provide financial support to fight these elections. Hence, lots of communications.

Tommy has made a new documentary too, and that will be coming out in February, it's called, "The Real Tommy".

What else is happening?

Sargon did an interview with the American lawyer that has put together a team of 80 people to put the case together for a complaint to the FTC in America about Patreon and Pay Pal's collusion to deplatform people that are communicating the truth to the people.

It will take six months for the team to file the complaint, and if the FTC agree that there is a case to answer, then the case then becomes FTC -v- Patreon+PayPal. Although the FTC investigation could take up to two years to be resolved as during it, other American platforms and companies could be in the FTC's firing line.

The FTC have the authority to break up a company, and they have been known to bankrupt them. This case could cost Patreon and PayPal billions, all over communications that they say that they don't agree with.

The fact of the matter is that a business cannot tell another business how it is going to communicate with it's customers. Although help can be given to improve relations with customers, as is often the case in marketing. When major American companies and corporations start dictating to individual businesses and or try to stop those businesses from prospering, then there is a case to answer.

As is the case with British businesses that have been deplatformed because Silicone Valley don't agree with the way that British journalists are defending our culture. We can't have the tech industry, dictating to us and our people. The fact of the matter is that journalism is a business, a profession, a career, and a livelihood. They've even deplatformed Jonaya from FaceBook, a law student at that, because Owen Jones complained about her.

I like to think that our British journalists have been more honest than many of their American counterparts, although Owen Jones is not.

James O'Keefe from Project Veritas is certainly fantastic at undercover investigative journalism. We could certainly do with a lot more honest investigative journalism in the UK, especially in the local communities and counties.

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