
Friday 1 February 2019


2019 is a great year for horses. 

Can you see a horse in this painting? 

It looks like Pegasus with wings.

The painting is called "HUG LIFE" 

I sometimes wonder how the travellers are doing that were looking for somewhere to spend the night. I said, "Come with me". When I woke up in the morning they had left hearts on my doorstep.

What does hugging life mean to you? Maybe you would like to consider that prior to the new moon as we approach moving into a different year and new beginnings. If a person said to you "Come with me", would you follow them not knowing where they were taking you? Would you have enough trust in your heart like the travellers did? Europeans have tended to trust each other and followed the best of the hearts.

On my visit to the ecological La Gomera and after a parting with the rest of the group after the sandstorm, I was walking alone and I asked the divine for help to be sent as I required somewhere to stay. Suddenly, a woman stepped to the right side of me and asked, "Do you require somewhere to stay", I responded "Yes", she replied, "Come with me", so I followed her, it was quite a walk pulling my case along.

However, when I arrived, it was such a lovely place, and had a beautiful balcony facing the sea. So I stayed with her and her family for a few days getting the sunshine to my body. It was January, the weather was lovely in the Canaries, although they did have a very serious sandstorm, they wrote that it was the first like that in 30 years.

So how do you hug life, do you hug life spiritually and creatively, and or musically? Can you do all three in this 2019 year that compounds to three? Yesterday, I was shown sunny, a little English boy that lives in Portugal with his parents and younger sister.

I began to receive paintings of him prior to his birth, then years later I was blessed to meet him and put my healing hands on him and feed him with coconut oil. He was so adorable, I gave him a teddy bear to hold and to take home with him.  I have a collection of teddy bears for healing purposes.

The last time his parents contacted me, I said, "Come with me". I have a feeling I will be hearing from the family again soon. They knew that I had their best interests in my heart.

"The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let the one who hears say, "Come!". Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes to take the free gift of the water of life". Rev 22:17

January 2019 

Checking in with author Robert Wilkinson at Aquarius Papers, he has now uploaded his article for the new moon on the 4th of February, 2019. He's written that "this new moon will jumpstart Aquarius energy" my Aquarius sun sign could certainly do with a jumpstart Robert!

What I am picking up is 'MOVING ON'.  A jumpstart for moving on! 

It's World Ukulele Day on the 2nd of February.

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