
Sunday 3 February 2019


While bathing today, I was shown a tall column, translucent blue, like a tall building made of glass.

I was then shown a British telephone box that indicates that the visions relate to England.

After that different colours swirling, and after that a range of different animals from different species like you would see in a zoo. Although these animals were roaming free and they were all facing right and going in the direction of my right.  There were so many animals it was like they were going towards an ark. Although these animals were singular there was one of each, most of the animals were small and medium sized animals, animals that people rarely see.

The biggest animal was a large blue elephant and the elephant is a symbol of spiritual wisdom. In Africa the elephant as the right of way, in India the elephant is a symbol of Ganesh, the overcomer of obstacles.

In London, England we have a location called "The Elephant and Castle", and a different location, Camden also had an elephant motif.

Elephant symbology has been put around our town as direction signs, and some people have complained about the cost and size of it. We do have a zoo with elephants and the local council are trying to make our historic location into a city to attract support, funding and protection from UNESCO.

There has been huge expansion of the area with housebuilding and of course the more houses they build the less habitat there is for nature and the natural eco-system.

Elephants were brought to England to our historic location by the Romans in 43AD.

Now this video on David Ike's channel has been recommended.

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