
Wednesday 30 January 2019


The New Moon on the 4/5 of February, 2019, comes on the 4th that is the "Day of Unconventional" and Aquarians are definitely unconventional in the way in which we live our lives. Why are Aquarians so unconventional?

Aquarians enjoy being different and we appreciate uniqueness. Never concerned about how others perceive us, Aquarians have an inner confidence, and self-esteem that some of the other sun signs struggle to attain. Mutual friendship is always important to Aquarians, and that people respect the effort that they put into their friendships.

Friendships are often more important to Aquarians, than relationships. Although their friendships can range across different spectrums and different communities in different realities that can surprise other people.

Aquarians rarely stay in one group or circle, they don't like staying in the same groove, they like change and Aquarians are always moving forward.  Another reason why different spiritualities are interesting to Aquarians and know themselves.

The 4/5th is also the start of Chinese New Year, the New Year of the Earth Pig, an auspicious year and a time for celebrations.

Interesting that I have connected up with a younger Englishman recently that is really into Feng Shui and that links into the space clearing dream that I had on the 29th, "Day of Compassion".

The 5th is the "Day of Eloquence" and Aquarians can be eloquent when they're really on their topic, or subject matter. Aquarian wordsmiths, although they prefer action, discovering talent, choosing talent, finding talent, helping talent to manifest itself. Nature, nurture and environment.

Natural creatives, inspired by creativity, the spoken and written word, a great one for voices and the eloquence of the voice e.g. toning your names and music. Into singing bowls, and instruments for healing purposes, into meditation, massage, and most of the alternatives.

So what have you been feeling compelled to do?  I've been painting a medicine pouch, feel compelled to make and wear a medicine pouch of natural remedies, oils and essences taking them and wearing wherever I go for emergencies. 2019 also compounds to three, the numeric of wisdom and it's light.


30th January, 2019

Apparently, I don't have any mars in my chart this year, so it's a much easier year for yours truly. Although, this forthcoming New Moon is unconventional eloquence, speaking, talking, sharing, connecting, new connections, can bring in new friendships, for this phase of your life. There is certainly a lot of that going on with the BREXIT supporters in London.

Meetings, and meet-ups being arranged. Great time for networking, group work, and coming together, to share what you feel passionate about.

New Moons usually bring in new thoughts, new inspirations, new beginnings, and I have been receiving a lot of dreams this year and divine messages to share. Spirit are certainly active!

How about you?

Aquarius can be incredibly intuitive, emphatic, sometimes we just know things without being able to explain why we know things. It just happens that way. Aquarius the great humanitarians, and the key to freedom, doing it for the right reasons and with pure intentions inspiring others to take their power back from anything that they feel is disempowering for them.

Aquarian women are usually incredibly thoughtful, thinking things through, the thought and care that matters. Aquarians don't like "rushing" into anything, they like to take their time, prior to making any big moves, or making any serious decisions that impact on the medium to long term.

The older they get the more protective they are of their own hearts, although when younger they're more protective of other peoples hearts. Often picking up the pieces of other peoples lives, and helping them to put their lives back together again.

They can mentally dissect every situation, any possible connection, any company, until they are totally satisfied that what action they take is going to be one that they can work with, make stronger and be successful.

They leave no stone unturned when they are very serious about something or someone. Every word spoken, every word written is noted in the memory bank and if anything doesn't feel right, they will either bust the jar open, or step back from the situation and remove themselves from it entirely. Sometimes they do both. Once their minds are made up they can detach themselves easily. Just like the UK should detach itself from the EU, easily.

Whether in their love lives or their work lives, they tend to approach it with an analysis of the situation, that can cause people to think that they're not interested, they are often viewed as aloof, when in fact, they are considering the situation deeply.

The older they are the less likely they are of being spontaneous, although they can still be cheeky when the mood takes them. They like elegance, and eloquence, they like integrity, and honesty is most important to them. How can you trust anyone unless they are honest with you from the start?

They like to be reliable and people that can be relied upon for their support. They've usually carried a lot of responsibility during their lives, yet, carried most of it joyfully. Certainly, this year is a supportive year for yours truly, supportive of whatever the divine plan is for myself and others that are brought close too.

Yesterday's divine message was about TIME with the numeric of THREE.

It's all about the timing, just like it was all about timing to share the parable of the woman that found her tenth coin after she had cleared up. Aquarians tend to be great at budgeting, and making what they have go a long way. They won't scrimp and scrape when quality is healthier for the long term.

They'd rather spend more in the present on their health, to save more in the future. Hence healthy holidays are an essential. They're more interested in quality in everything that they do, and those that they meet. Always looking for the best qualities in someone, or any work situation, and they like interesting characters, the unconventional.

My mother had a thing that she used to do when buying me a handbag, or purse, she would put a coin in it for good luck. I think my mum used to buy me a handbag just so that she could put a few coins in it. Funny, that the last time I bought a new handbag I was in Athens in a three year. It's a big bag and ideal for travelling.

Aquarius definitely has the gypsy Spirit and it can be difficult to get them to commit to something unless they are totally convinced it is the right thing to do. They can't be flattered or bought, our love is not for sale.

That makes me think of the parable now, and the woman that found her coin. My Pisces mum never spoke about scripture, yet, she had her own way of delivering the message that she felt was important to impart.

It's hard for some parents that have a freedom-loving Aquarian child, as they can be so unpredictable. The same in friendships and relationships, you can't take an Aquarian for granted, because the day comes when once their heart has moved on, there is no going back. Aquarians are the most loyal and faithful of all of the zodiac sings, however, don't try our patience of a saint for too long, otherwise then there is a backlash!

Once they close a door, it usually stays shut, because they like the new, the refreshing, the uplifting, the positive, progress, and inventiveness, they like change.  They don't like being stopped from doing anything that they know is fair and just. Hence, freedom of speech is imperative to Aquarians, with freedom being their key word. With it being the "year of the Pig", people are bound to find some savings in their lives and receive some financial improvements. Although it does depend what year you were born and what else is going on in your chart.

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