
Tuesday 29 January 2019


I had a dream and a man had come to visit me, as I came into awareness I remembered that he was sitting on my sofa bed in the lounge. I was then given the time, 3.O'Clock. The timing given was the most prominent aspect of the dream, as such it is the most important.

In the 1980s there was an American alternative group on the L.A. music scene with the name of "The Three O'Clock." Interesting that prior to that they were known as "The Salvation Army".

B.B.King and Eric Clapton also sang a song with the title, 3,0'clock.

The numeric of three is a numeric associated with Pythagoras, the prefect number, it is also associated with wisdom. The Sophia wisdom gateway opening on 333 in Greece. The numeric of this year, 2019 also compounds to THREE.

In dream interpretation if you see a clock or hear a clock ticking it can have different meanings.

If there is a couch in your dream, you are being advised to listen to trusted friends. However, the man that came to visit was listening to me, as such, he was listening to a trusted friend. He didn't mind that everything had to be cleared up, that wasn't his concern. You could call it mutual friendship. "For those who find me, find life and receive favour from the LORD" Proverbs 8:35.

In the dream he wasn't identified, all I could see was that he was sitting down and he was wearing a black jacket.

Although yesterday was my son's birthday and that was the "Day of Outstanding Achievements" in numerics. It was certainly an outstanding achievement, giving birth to him. He is now 36 years old, one year for every stitch I received when the doctor had to cut me open in an emergency to get him out of my womb. With him being 36 now, it means that he is in a three year in his life cycle. Onwards and upwards.

The black jacket could be significant because I gave my son's black jacket to one of his former friends that required it to keep him warm.

The dream was received today, and that is the "Day of Compassion".

However, it was Spirit that gave the timing of three o'clock, and Jesus often speaks to me as soon as I wake up. Of course he would speak to yours truly on the day of compassion, for what greater compassionate action is there than his.

Being given a numeric is important, and it can indicate good luck associated with the numeric given or a derivative thereof. When I lived in London the numeric of our family home had a derivative of three. It was certainly a successful numeric to live in. In my lounge, I have the family prayer engraved in wood and I often used to say it during my life.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change. Courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference".

Interesting that in the Parable of the Virgins, some bought wisdom and some didn't! The importance of having bought the oils that are wonderful for healing people and animals. I wouldn't be without my healing oils ever, they've been in my heart for decades.

Jesus understood the light of the healing oils and he liked being massaged with them, especially on his feet. My Lotus Feet appreciate having healing oils put on them too, I do notice and feel huge improvements when I apply them to my feet. Aniseed Oil is great for feet!

Do you know about the other Parable with the woman that finds her Greek coin after she's cleared up.

It's amazing what you can find, I remember in recent years while clearing my space I found the anniversary coin that I had been gifted. The 30th anniversary coin of Israel, therein is the numeric of three again. I had put it away in a case for safekeeping and then found it again.

Remember what Jesus shared about the spiritual law, what you give comes back to you 30, 60 or 100 fold!

In the parable of the poor Greek woman she had ten coins, symbolic of ten days wages, and while clearing up she found the tenth one. The woman had to have oil in her lamp to be able to find it.

Hence, the parable of the poor woman, also links into the parable of the Virgins because only half of the women had their oil in their lamps.

So what does it mean?

It means that once you've cleared up, you're given back what was yours to begin with, the sheer joy of it and being able to share with neighbours your great news. Also those that had invested in the healing oils for their health, also had invested in their own self-development and healing.

Jesus knew that the real mystics would comprehend his parables and their importance. Some people don't like aroma's, I certainly do, and I appreciate the power of the aroma's.

As it is written in the book of Corinthians, Christ uses us to spread the aroma of him everywhere, how beautiful is that! When I was in the foot shop we were discussing different healing oils, that foot shop is blessed. Interesting that the word "Podiatry" has the same gematria as Yeshua.

Funny, that none of the academics and biblical scholars understood it like we did, I think he planned it that way, has he knew that I was never going be an academic.

He divinely trained this "Aramatheopist" instead to do everything his way, you can't help loving him for holding us healers so closely in his arms. He wasn't allowing anyone to take us away from him and the great healing work that we do together.


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