
Tuesday 15 January 2019

Shalom Yerushalayim

Yerushalayim and the meaning of it's action. 

Scripture shares the importance of the heart, and I have often asked people to put down their heads, and pick up their hearts. For it is only in the heart that people can comprehend their reason for being the action that is compelled for the right reasons.

Sometimes you can point to the heart, yet, some people are so in their heads, that they comprehend it not, due to an unwillingness to do so. Hence, when we respond to the implementation of 5G technology being tested on Americans, whose hearts does it reach? We know scientifically, that we are electro-magnetic beings, and that energy impacts upon our minds, hearts, eyes, skin, and immune systems, yet can you see it?

When people look at a damp wall, they can see that isn't an healthy environment to live in for the physical, they can see it with their eyes wide open. The issue is that some people can see other realities, that some other people cannot see. That's where difficulties in life and living it can occur for advanced spiritual people, because most people can only accept what they can see with their own eyes, and most do not accept what they can't, although some remain open-minded.

Jesus experienced this reality with some of his closest companions, because some of his companions could see other realities and some could not. Some of the women were also more advanced spiritually, than some of the men, and that also caused contention in his spiritual community.

Some have described the voice of some singers has liquid gold, although a strong voice requires a strong solar plexus that is connected with the will. The will to live can be very strong, yet, sometimes it is the music that lengthens the will to live. There is music in the heavens, and choirs of angels that sing, I've seen those singers with my own eyes wide open, and ears to hear. In the 90s I also asked how many there were when they were seen standing before yours truly, singing from their hearts at the tops of their voices.

Early on in rapid advancement it is often the case that people don't share what they've experienced spiritually, for who would believe them, they might think to themselves. Sometimes you think that a new spiritual experience is going to be a one-off, then when it keeps on happening over and over again, the mystic comes to know that this is going to be your reality from then on. As you are ready to receive, so it is given divinely.

Some people stayed quiet about it for all of their lives, some for decades, and some for a short while. We could tell the difference between those that were reluctant and those that were not. We could tell who had spiritual aspirations and who did not.

However, when you are called divinely, you come to the point where Spirit can't put it off any longer, and nor can you, you have to surrender to the divine will for you, your life and the lives of others.

A person of integrity takes their divine steps slowly, slow to share what they've been called to share. When a person has proven that they can be trusted due to their patience and perseverance with the divine. The time comes when you are summoned to do something very specific, a divine mission, and divine plan is revealed to you.

Sometimes that can mean living out of a suitcase for a time, and in that space there are no comfort zones to rely on. Few people can live without comfort and it's zones, only the strongest Spirit's can do so. Only the strongest Spirits can go far beyond where other's think they are; once a person is unsurpassed on a spiritual level, where else is there for them to go, when the whole journey has been completed?

Jesus was unsurpassed for who could surpass him and as scripture tells you there is nothing to compare with wisdom more precious than rubies, so it is pointless anyone trying to make a comparison, for there is none. For him and his spiritual work I had to live, and he made sure that I did. In a recent dream that was given, I was shouting, "I will live". 

What is interesting is that when you have an interest in growing your own food, people look at you differently, they view you in a different way to others. Previously judged by appearances, until they can see with their own eyes what you have achieved in life in a natural way.

Then when you share about nutrition, people are amazed at the sheer depth of the information that you are sharing, information that saved lives. Yet, if you mention that you were divinely guided with it, it then becomes an issue for those that don't receive such divine help when they require it.

So you may ask why do some receive so much divine help from Spirit, and others receive so little help, or even none when they require it. The experience of wisdom is that it is about the level of your divine faithfulness and pure intention from the heart. The purer the intention of the heart in integrity, the more that Spirit are willing to help people when it is required.

For as Jesus said, what you give will come back to you 30, 60 or 100 fold. So when it is shared with me why no help will be offered to someone who asks for help, or a prayer, I just have to accept the reason that Spirit give in response.

Remember the parable of the virgins, some bought wisdom, and some did not. Prophet Isaiah also knew that some would take the highway to holiness and some would refuse it. And so I then refer you to the fact that the "Lord preserves the souls of his saints". Septuagint Psalm 96.

Psalm 20 Support from Zion.

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