
Friday 18 January 2019


I went to rest this evening and I had another dream, this time it was about a rock musician. In the dream there were ageing rock musicians. The main musician looked like Alice Cooper, with long hair and make-up on his eyes.

Alice Cooper

A Howard Stern type character to look at, he was an artist like Michael Cartellone from Lynard Skynard and the band name looked like that. This would indicate that the musicians were most likely American.

At half time, when the band stopped for a break, the rock musician sat at a bench dining table and lots of women sat down with him on the left, I sat on a different dining table on the right side of the room. 

Then there was shouting, there had been an argument between the women that were sitting at his table, as the musician had been out with all of those women and they were fighting over him. 

Due to the "dispute" and his "anger",  with the women at their behaviour, he was "arrested" with his hands tied behind his back, and the security officer turned him over on his back when I arrived to see what was going on.

I looked at him compassionately, and calmly while asking him if he was in pain anywhere, he replied in his right kidney. So I placed my healing hands on his kidney, and while giving him healing, his face changed and he became softer. As he looked into my eyes and I looked into his, I said, "I think we have met before", he looked deeply into my blue eyes and replied, "Yes, I have seen you before".

While looking into his eyes while giving him healing love, the more the light came back into his eyes, it was like he was coming alive again.  I then said to him, "Kidney infection, it's because you're not eating properly" and "Kidneys are about the Shen of Life".

After that he went back on stage and and some of his paintings were put in a showcase for people to purchase. After I looked at the rock musicians paintings I then left the venue. I think he thought that I would wait until the end of the show, to speak to him again, but I had done what I was sent to do to help him. Healing for the kidneys, and to bring him back to the light of life.

The message was delivered, receive healing from a hands on healer, receive guidance and know that healers are sent to you to help you.

The adrenals impact on kidneys, and they have to have a regular detox.

In dream interpretation to dream of someone famous means that you will receive help from an unexpected source. To dream of artists paint signifies important changes; and if you see a dining table in a dream it indicates an upturn in social activities.

Dancing with the Stars 

I was then in a shop looking at some French Christian Dior perfume, Miss Dior, it had been reduced to half price to £25.00.  However, when I opened the box it was only half full, so I didn't buy it. Half a product for half price is not a reduction in price, so I saved my money.

In dream interpretation to dream of shopping can indicate restraint is required with your finances.

Saving money in dream state, as in not spending it, indicates personal happiness.

To dream of an exact figure, forecasts good luck ahead possibly connected with the dreamed number or some derivative or multiple of it. I used to buy my mother Miss Dior, we both wore it during the days of duty free!

Then I was back in my location. While I was getting rid of a pink cotton table cloth. I noticed that someone had put a table fixture outside my bedroom window for plants to go on.

In dream interpretation to dream of a tablecloth that is a clean cloth "augurs smooth sailing in both business and domestic affairs".

Being given a table can mean an improved status due to intellectual achievements.

Then I was talking to a neighbour on my right and she was really happy that finally a property to do with a former marriage was coming to a conclusion, and she and her partner were looking forward to sunshine in the summertime.

The next aspect of the dream included good news to do with property and finances and the dream was giving a timeline of the summer.

Three very different dreams to have one after the other on the same evening. I do know that I travel in dream state to give people healing, when I am sent to do so.

Music for the Heart - The Sounds of Freedom

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