
Friday 25 January 2019

Neurosurgeon Dr Charlie Teo on "Brain Cancer"

Renowned Neurosurgeon Dr Charlie Teo called for the national right to know about cell phone radiation. This video is from December 2015. This battle to defend the health of the people has been going on for a long time. In this video Dr Teo shares about the "brain cancer" cases due to mobile phones that he knows about.

During this presentation it is shared that in South Korea they did a study with children that are using mobile phones, and they found that children in secondary school were suffering from "dementia".

Also the stats with mobile phone radiation change when they look at age specific data instead of across all ages. When they look at youth the "brain cancer"prior to the age of 29 has seen a huge increase.

When this presentation was filmed, 3.5 million children and students were sitting in Wifi in Australia.

Dr Teo also shared that class actions lawsuits had begun in Australia due to "brain cancer". Some of the people suing are naval officers.

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