
Saturday 5 January 2019


See I knew it was because of what David Bowie had been eating and George Michael did like his pizza. George was putting on a lot of weight too, he was clearly comfort eating. It showed us that he wasn't eating healthy enough for his age. He wasn't getting the nutrition that his body required for the age that he was.

Some people think that they can still eat what they did when they were young. The body changes, and the body also decreases what your body requires to keep it healthy the older that you get. Production of essential nutrients that the body used to make itself, decreases every year after the age of 30.

Dr Berg shares with us that "Liver damage is not coming from alcohol". Am I surprised? Of course not, traditional medicine tends to jump on every bandwagon. So have a listen to what is the real culprit that causes liver damage.

However, I do recommend that the liver is cleansed on a regular basis. The adrenals impact on the kidneys and liver, and celery eaten fresh, braised and or cooked in soup is great for those systems. 

Also research has shown us that too many people are also drinking too much water, that can put a strain on the kidneys. Seriously, you are not meant to drink eight litres of water everyday. It's easy to wear out your organs if you do too much of anything, including water! 

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