
Friday 25 January 2019


On the 16th of January, 2019, I received a travelling dream and Bibi was in the dream asking when I was coming back to Israel. I told him that I had to go to Greece first.

Today, I received another dream this time I was abroad on holiday and it felt like Greece. I was relaxing in a hotel with other people after we had travelled at the same time to the same location.

We were on loungers inside the building. I said, "I can't believe it, I can't believe it, I've made it home". When I stood up I was so tired that I couldn't open my eyes, so I laid down to rest again from the journey and to recuperate from it. It was clearly a holiday destination and it was the start of a  holiday.

Someone said, "You're slaughtered, aren't you?".

Then a woman said, that a man was coming and she called him "Monty", she said, "Monty is coming to see us" in a happy and pleased voice. Monty was a man that lived in that location. We had clearly been to this location before as we knew the man.

The name "Monty" can be found in British phrases and it is usually the "Full Monty", the name is from Montgomery, the British Field Marshall, and he was also known as the "Spartan General".

88 different British phrases.

The word "slaughtered" can also be found in British phraseology to describe someone that has had too much of anything. As in when a person has travelled far, or worked too much without a break, another English term to describe it is feeling "knackered".

A person can feel like that if and when they haven't had a holiday and have overworked during their lives. I often felt like that during my life as I worked very hard during my life. Weekdays, evenings, weekends, really too much. Another reason why holidays were essential in my life, 2-3 times a year.


In dream interpretation "to dream of a holiday indicates that you will have to work hard but your efforts will be productive." Dream interpretation also includes hotels and if you were with other people and some were of the opposite sex it means that it can relate to your love life and or domestic affairs.

Although the standard and quality of the hotel can change the context of the dream interpretation to business aspects. All I saw of the hotel was the arrival lounge, the loungers, a swimming pool outside and in the distance I could see buildings and the sea.

In the dream I was clearly "exhausted" from the journey, and the holiday was essential time out, in dream interpretation it recommends more exercise. People often feel like more exercise in a different environment and on holiday, and the older that you get travelling can be "exhausting" depending on where you are going, and the distance that you are going.  So make sure that whatever journey you take; that it is worth the time and effort to get there.

Two weeks really isn't long enough, as I found that the first week is really about recuperation. So if you are going on an adventure, or pilgrimage, three weeks is really the minimum if you can afford to go for that length of time. It does help if you make some connections prior to going, to assist you whilst there, as required.

Also while travelling take some sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sultanas with you in a canister as they can be a great energy booster. Also make sure you take some supplements too, and build up your bodies energy levels prior to travelling. As travelling can be very tiring.

Making it home was clearly a very important aspect of the dream, having the ability to travel and to have a holiday was an important aspect of the recovery of the self and retrieving my life again.

To dream of home or mention of home in a dream indicates small satisfactions and an adjustment to whatever your circumstances might be. Every small adjustment, every step takes you closer to the realisation of having a holiday.

The adjustment made this week was to ensure my insoles are appropriate for walking and putting aniseed oil on the soles of my feet. Next week I have to have an eyesight test and choose some new sunglasses. One step at a time.

Whilst travelling it is advisable to take some tea tree oil and lavender oil with you, rescue remedy just in case, you or others might require it. Make sure that you are prepared with your own first aid kit, your own medicine pouch. Even animals like the oils and get on great with flower essence remedies.

When I put Greece and Monty into the search engine together, it brought up an animal charity to help Greek animals and the charity is based in Woodbridge, Suffolk, England.

Greek Animal Rescue

On Crete there is "Walk with Donkeys Sanctuary". 

Hector's House rescues dogs and cats on Crete.

Takis on Crete The Dodo

He's happier now than he was running his Crete nightclub, he says.

He found his divine purpose for being.

See the link to the different people in different Greek locations helping the animals.

As you can see from this documentary the volunteers require all the help that they can get, including a lot more volunteers. So when thinking of travelling, think about who you can help when and if you travel to Greece, as these Greeks do require any help that you can provide. There is plenty of work to do for the animal activists and animal healers in Greece.

Dancing with the Stars

January 2019

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