
Monday 7 January 2019


A Conservative MEP, Daniel Hannan has shared how EU officials are exempt from national taxation in his book.

"The bureaucrats in the Commission and Parliament make decisions that have fiscal consequences for ordinary people, while themselves being exempt from those consequences". 

"We wonder at a system based on the legal and systematic expropriation by the rich of the poor". 

"In truth, the entire EU system is based around transferring wealth from ordinary citizens to those lucky enough to be part of the machine".

Not only that but has anyone ever seen any accounts from the EU or any audits? They spend money like water, and even give money to people to assist with the privatising of the NHS in England. Have you ever tried to get any information from an MEP? I've contacted three MEP's in recent years and not one of them has responded with the information that I have asked for.

What's the latest in America? Pelosi budgets for $54BN for foreign aid, yet refuses to support the protection of the American people.

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