
Friday 18 January 2019


Last night I had numerous dreams and this one deserves its own blog post when we bear in mind what is happening with BREXIT.

I was in a shop looking at some French Christian Dior perfume, Miss Dior, it had been reduced to half price to £25.00.  However, when I opened the box it was only half full, so I didn't buy it. Half a product for half price is not a reduction in price, so I saved my money.

In dream interpretation to dream of shopping can indicate restraint is required with your finances.

Saving money in dream state, as in not spending it in the dream, indicates personal happiness.

To dream of an exact figure, forecasts good luck ahead possibly connected with the dreamed number or some derivative or multiple of it. I used to buy my mother Miss Dior, we both wore it during the days of duty free! We often bought it whilst travelling and wore it while we were abroad.

The cost of some French fragrances and perfumes have become so expensive that most people can't afford to wear them.

Mum was a great spender but a greater saver, she even saved up loads of Christian Dior for her daughter as she knew that I liked to wear it. She bought clothes that I liked too, some that she never wore, as she knew that I would like what she had chosen. Her clothes and shoes never wore out, does that remind you of the Israelite story? They never wore out because she had so many of them.

As Jesus said what you give comes back to you 30, 60 or 100 times and I think that she was determined to remind me of that fact, as that was the action that she chose. I think she also followed in my gran Sophia's footsteps, as my gran left her cash that she had saved from her pension.  It wasn't much, just a few thousand in crisp pound notes. It was the thought that mattered more than the amount.

The family of Joseph taught to save as mum saved for what was ahead. I've always like a bargain, but it has to be a real bargain. The most important thing of all is that you have food and can pay your bills. If you have plenty of food there is always food to share with others that might require it.

Sometimes there are unexpected purchases to be made, so make sure that you know what you are buying, when you are buying it, and have some money in reserve. Being frugal is easy for me, as there have been so many times in my life when I have had to be frugal. Although its great to be able to treat yourself once in a while. As gran used to say, "A little bit of what you fancy does you good".

Back to the dream and the numeric of 25 indicates a time of rest. Perhaps that's why Bibi was asking me when I was coming back to Israel in the travelling dream. I certainly deserve a holiday in a wonderful country, so saving time it is.

More on the numeric of 25 in relation to LIGHT.

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