
Thursday 24 January 2019

Children Brain Cancer UK

"Brain tumours kill more children in the UK than any other cancer".

Cliff O'Gorman, Chief Executive of Children with Cancer, "there is an increase in incidence rates".

Not only that but children are being born with brain tumours in the UK.

Pregnant mothers on their mobile phones are impacting upon the baby in their wombs.

Pregnant mothers should be banned from using a mobile phone while pregnant, and not use a mobile phone in the presence of a child due to the sheer amount of radiation the child is in. A child's brain isn't even fully developed until the age of 25.

"What you need to know about Pregnancy and Wireless Radiation".

My son wasn't allowed a computer in his bedroom, in those days in the 80s-90s, we didn't have internet or mobile phones. He was allowed to use a desktop computer in the office for a limited amount of time.

Cell Phone Radiation on the brain. 

"Cell phone radiation permeates children's brains deeper than adults" US Congress 2008. 

Children are not allowed to purchase cigarettes, they're not allowed to buy alcohol, yet they're allowed to have their brains fried with mobile phones, where have the lawyers been since 2008?

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