
Saturday 19 January 2019


It was earlier in the month that I shared with you that this weeks Total Lunar Eclipse comes on the 20/21st of January and the 21st is the "Day of the Visionary" in numerics.

Author Robert Wilkinson and I are usually aligned with the planetary energies so I am not surprised that his first article on this eclipse posted yesterday has "A New Vision Erupts!" in his headline. 

Robert shares with us that this full moon eclipse comes at the 1st degree of Aquarius and Leo. 

Might I draw your attention by quoting Robert writing that this time period is "hotter than a firecracker"

A lot of people have been letting go and closing doors to pave the way for the new vision to come in and I certainly have experienced that since Christmas in fact.

Sometimes you have to close a door to enable you to walk forward into a new reality. What I have noticed during my life is that when I walk away, it often challenges people to make changes in their lives, as it challenges people to look deeply at their own lives. 

So it can actually be positive for people when you do leave and walk on; and being an Aquarian that was bound to happen so that the new vision for my future could come to be.

I had planned to leave somewhere after the American mid-terms, although circumstances made sure I stayed for just a little longer. I had to see the year out with those that I had been helping. My dad loved singing this song.

Now we have arrived at the second incoming eclipse energies this year, I'm feeling artistic and practical at the same time. This Aquarian is naturally patient, and practical, it's like sewing, one stitch at a time, priorities are important.

During my life sometimes I think I have been too patient with people and situations, and if and when I've been too patient and people still try my patience, that's when they can see the firecracker go off, in fact it can be like a volcano erupting. It is when the eruption happens that people realise that they have tried my patience for too long, and went too far over my boundaries.

The gathering of the different colour paints to spread upon a canvas with the new vision in oils often comes after an eruption, the roar of the Leo energy is often seen in creativity and the written word as it can be dramatic. A majority of the best rock musicians were born with Pluto in Leo, and people that were born in that era certainly understand each other and where they are coming from.

Sometimes creativity requires that explosive passion and intensity to be released from the body after a build up of tension. That is often when you produce some of your best creative work.

Practicality of payments, and in that we can be very exact, remember the recent dream that gave the exact figure of £25.00 and the importance of saving for what you would like in your life and spend wisely.  Financially, people can also roar due to what has happened to their finances and the finances of their countries.

My advice never push an Aquarian over money, as they will strike hard if people try to take advantage of us that are kind hearted and generous beyond measure. Our patience does have it's boundaries and limits. Remembering that we are the humanitarians that just keep on giving what we can give in time and energy.

The eclipse dreams have included travel plans, and good news to do with property in the summertime.

The choices that you make now, and the actions that you take will determine the next moves in the life. Although it is important to allow yourself to be divinely guided with it, and this mystic keeps on being shown a healing sanctuary that is close to a church, a place of safety and serenity.

I agree with Robert, "claim your power to live a more effective life" for yours truly the only way that I can live is in the heart. Being an inspiration is different from receiving an inspiration. Although when the power of love is HOT, it is very, very HOT, Jesus is always sure to let me know what he likes and when he likes it. 

The second part of Roberts sharing on this total lunar eclipse is headlining, "Showing the light of spiritual group work focussed through an explosion of heart energy". 

As I posted the link to the second article,  I was given the word "TRAJECTORY' and that can mean that the aim is higher this year. In December 2008, we moved into a higher gear, that meant we were going a lot faster for divine purpose. I remember saying "I drove all night to get to you".

Now the energy is different, now it is aim higher to reach the target and a different target audience and the grass roots that have been touched by the truth are certainly moving forward together. Today, someone wrote to yours truly,"I'm with you, and thousands are now". 

In writing; "a trajectory" can relate to a discussion where texts are discussed and it includes spiritual texts. That then can lead to the importance of the healing sanctuary in order for the healing to continue in a different reality. 

In another dream this week I was shown an American rock musician that required healing on his kidneys, and in some biblical translations sometimes the word is translated as heart instead of kidney. 

Translations are so important and going back to the original languages and root words, I used to enjoy writing articles on word studies to open up the perspectives of people.

The kidneys are one of the organs that show us whether people are looking after themselves and whether they are eating properly. Due to the importance of the adrenal glands that impact upon the kidneys and their life span. 

As we know the kidneys have a major and very important function in the body. Probably one of the reasons why some of the ancients linked it to conscience for are you consciously aware of how great your kidneys are doing? If you are consciously aware, you will certainly be looking after your kidneys. 

How often do you eat food specifically for the kidneys for detoxing, some people think drinking a lot of water is the way to go, when in fact, too much water can wear your kidneys out. 

Don't overwork yourself, or your body, don't overwork your organs. The older that you get the more rest your body requires, so rest if you feel like resting, be intuitive with your bodies, listen to your bodies is my message to you this total lunar eclipse. 

So I think that my first painting in oils this eclipse will have a kidney in it. Interesting that I once had a kidney shaped dressing table when I lived in London. That's vintage now! 

Venus is strongly associated with the kidneys, so interesting that in the dream about the American rock musician with a kidney issue the dream did include his love life and his relationships that impacted upon him. So it would be interesting to do a case study with people with kidney issues and what has happened in their love lives and then cross reference that with their birth charts.

Of course all pharmaceuticals also impact detrimentally upon the organs of the body, especially the kidneys. Pharmaceuticals are "toxic" to the kidneys. Our bodies weren't made for pharmaceuticals, nor were they made for 5G and it's "war weapon technology".

Our bodies and our bio-electro-magnetic fields weren't made to withstand such an "assault" on it. What's happening with 5G, Wifi, Microwave Ovens, Mobile Phones, Cell Towers, is a "war upon humanity". When babies are being born with brain tumours you know that technology has gone far, too far in its encroachment on the beings of the people. You might ask why aren't the media all over it?

Kidney Anatomy Part 2 

What's been on the menu this month, lamb shanks, and lamb shanks are great for B12.

The 21st of January is also an important day in Israel, so let's have some dates to celebrate.

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