
Sunday 30 December 2018


A sobbing dream what does it mean? I was in two different English locations and what was most prominent in the dream was a woman the I knew, and the fact that I was sobbing in both locations.

The power of the sobbing was so strong it woke me up with the power of it.

I am sharing this dream with you so you can understand that a dream such as this means that you will receive news that a friend or associate is in "distress", and that when you receive that news you are to give a sympathetic response. A clear instruction.

Sometimes instruction is given via your dreams, and that is reason enough to put the effort into understanding your dreams.

It is an unusual request because during the previous decades the prominent woman was always totally "in control", and never showed any emotion at all, so it would be very unusual to hear that she is in "distress". Although people's bodies can be in "distress" without them even realising it.


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