
Saturday 22 December 2018



People don't understand Asperger's people, they treat all people involved in "anti-social behaviour" the same.  The communities in which Asperger's people live don't understand how their brains are different to other people. They don't understand their sensibilities, or how to get the best out of them.

You can't train an Asperger person like you discipline other children and adults. You have to understand what most interests them and what triggers them and why. You have to appreciate their lack of social graces, due to their brains being physically different.

You have to appreciate what they can do, and emphasise their natural abilities. You have to understand their spiritual journey's and why they incarnated. The only way that you can reach their hearts is to go to where they are, and not expect them to come to where you are. Most of the medics don't understand or appreciate why they are like they are. Asperger's is a specialist area of expertise, in the whole of our region in the country, I know of only one specialist unit that exists.

Many Asperger's children are now in their 30s and they weren't diagnosed as children, a lot of these children were "bullied" severely in school, and severe PTSD is the result of many of their life experiences. I found Asperger's people to be incredibly sensitive to that which they are sensitive about.

They're also incredibly intelligent, incredible intellectual capacity, and when they are alert their brains and thinking moves at a very fast pace. They often think too much and find it hard to switch their thinking brain off. Then suddenly, they can become sleepy, and just wish to switch off from life completely. An Asperger's person came to stay with me for two separate weeks, so I was able to observe him in close quarters. Their brains work at such a fast speed, that they can exhaust themselves quickly.

He has stayed in touch by email ever since, and every year he sends a Christmas card with his thoughts in it. He is now in his 50s and is fortunate to have a nurse and healer for a sister, he also has a lovely mother and I have met them both, as they trusted in yours truly to help out when required.


One of the signs of an Asperger's person is that they are very, very intense. Another sign is they don't like accepting instruction or being told what to do, and it is difficult to hold their attention for any length of time. Although if they trust you, it is much easier to work with them, as it is a meeting of hearts on a spiritual level.

They usually have something that they are "obsessive" about, until you can help them to comprehend it on a spiritual level to break the past life cycle.

A majority of medics are not spiritual people, why? A spiritual person would never prescribe pharmaceutical drugs due to the impact upon the brain and the organs of the body. There are natural remedies available that can help these people.

It's often the case that Asperger's people have to be rescued in adult life due to the circumstances that they find themselves in. Circumstances that they find difficult to get their heads around and they can be easily swayed into "destruction", if the right help isn't provided to them when they most require it.

Once they've experienced love, they never forget those people that have shown them patience, and loving kindness, and it is imperative that they are given something and someone positive to hold on to when they require it. Some can live alone, in fact, many families can't live with them. Although those that I have met yearn for intimacy, it's the longing of their souls to be in a committed and loving relationship that is supportive and understanding of them.

However, they also have to have a very supportive loving family and friends network that they can call on whenever they seek help with anything, as they require a lot of reassuring that things will be alright.  Some of them can find themselves on the run from authorities that don't know what they're dealing with. I found that some are adept at survival in their primal energy and they can be very protective of their loved ones.

GPs and the justice system are not trained in how to recognise Asperger's people as far as I am aware. Nor do GPs get more than a few hours of training in nutrition, nutrition that is essential for Asperger's.

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