
Saturday 8 December 2018


The energy of the purple ball surrounded in gold, on my right side of length of days. While bathing yesterday, I saw it in reverse, with a golden centre and a purple surround.

The colour of saffron that is for eyes. It's often the case that people see all shades of purple while on Reiki healing training courses, although few people see the golden Christo energy. Great healing colours to wear this time of year and amethyst is my birthstone.

As we know Elizabeth Taylor had violet eyes, and scientists say that there are only 600 people in the world with such a mutation.

This time of year can be a time of healing for some people. If and when the tears come ask to be shown what the tears are related too, so that your body can release the memories that your body holds. Sometimes you can be given the year, and then you have to ponder upon what happened that year. If you focus on the healing, you will be shown what it relates too.

This is a lovely song for those that have been bereaved, and bereavement can happen in more than one reality. Recently George Michael spoke of the "TEARS", he must have cried many. Tears are good for the eyes as it helps to cleanse the eyes, and it also releases tension in the body. So just allow the outflowing as it does help your body.

There is a lot of purple and gold in the paintings at this time.  I particularly like the instrument painting.

I had another dream last night, and I was with a lovely bunch of ladies that I met in 2017, we were having a great time. Women that enjoyed the nutrition group were laughing joyfully at a gathering together.

This is funny, bearing in mind that the karmic changes are in north node cancer the crab and south node capricorn until 2020.

Best wishes to the BREXITMEANSEXIT march in London tomorrow. I will be with you all in Spirit.

What it really means is BREXIT MEANS EXIST, it's essential for the existence of our countries in the UK that we say no to cultural genocide and have a clean cut walkaway from the EU.

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