
Friday 21 December 2018


It has certainly been very intense with a nightmare on the 20th of December, and I was being "Physically Attacked" in the dream.  I was conscious in and of the dream and told it to stop and that the LORD God does not allow it, then the dream ended immediately.

People that have suffered from PTSD, do experience nightmares like that, although sometimes it can be prophetic, so how can you know what type of dream you have had?

The day was then unpredictable, as in the afternoon, I found a young homeless man, he'd been drinking, he'd been beaten up the night before due to being in a fight. He had a fat lip and cuts on his head, his whole body was in shock and traumatised, he was crying and crushed when I found him.

What could I do? I couldn't leave the child like that, to me he is a wounded child, as he is younger than my own son.

A hot bath, TCP on his lip, lavender and geranium on his face, flower essences taken orally for helping to release the shock from his body. We put up some Christmas lights in my healing room, he was happy that he could help in some way. There is loving kindness in his heart, so that means there is hope.

When his strength had been gathered up he was ready to leave with some fresh clothes for the next phase of his journey. So I feel that this painting is for him, as he is very intense and he definitely has PTSD, he reacted to every small bang or sound he could hear.

19th December, 2018.

One of the problems is that a lot of homeless people have PTSD, and they require a lot of tender loving care, nurturing, and rehabilitation, rehabilitation is very hard to source in the UK. If you have money like celebrities do, it is easy to source, if you don't it is near on impossible. Night shelters are not rehabilitation centres where these people can receive massage therapy to get the trauma out of their bodies. The medical wards don't have people that are trained in energy therapies either.

It can take years for people to recover from PTSD, depending on the seriousness of it, and it requires intensive healing and self-development. It can take years to stop shuddering when someone is standing in your energy fields after a traumatic experience that has impacted upon it.

The police end up arresting them and they then experience even more trauma. Sadly, it is a never ending cycle of intense harm to the energy of the soul of the being. So may the Lord preserve the souls of these people, and change the system and the way the British government approach it.

As written previously, PTSD is an energetic issue and loud bangs can change the DNA, scientifically proven. Some of these people are also Asperger's, people that were never diagnosed appropriately in childhood. As far as I am aware there is only one specialist Asperger's unit in our region.

People can only live healthy lives in the power of love. As we know it is proven scientifically that the being is impacted upon by "Nature-Nurture and Environment". Dr Bruce Lipton.

In dream interpretation to dream of being "attacked", e.g. "Assaulted", means that "You will be given some information which will be off great value to you". 

Life can be unpredictable, and homeless people can be unpredictable too, you have to be strong in heart and Spirit.  There is an important reason why Jesus sent his healers out two at a time, in some cases, you do require protection when reaching out to the poor that have suffered deeply during their lives. 

Everyone of them has their life story, and unfortunately we can't save them all, because everyone has to take responsibility for actions, and consequences. If a person would truly like to heal their lives, the opportunity is given, such an opportunity was given yesterday, a light was given to show the way. 

Maybe others will tell him, it's not possible to heal his heart and soul, only he can choose to hold onto the seeds of love and allow the power of love to grow in his heart. Sometimes all we can do is let their souls see the light of love, then hope and pray for the best when we have permission to help an individual. When individuals are brought before yours truly, it is usually their last chance to make the changes that have to be made in their lives. There is no greater power than love, and the memories of love that exists in his heart.

He asked for this song Westlife singing "You Raise Me Up".

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