
Wednesday 26 December 2018

Planetary Alignments Update

Rik shares what's happening with the planetary alignments this next week.

Although on the 5/6th of January we also have the Solar Eclipse and the 5th is the "Day of Recovery in numerics. We are already moving into the recovery energies.

So what have you been recovering at this time? I've found my mobile, British telecom technicians are coming on the 27th to solve internet issues. I've uncovered my sofa bed. House clearing, wardrobe clearing. Paperwork clearing. I've found my painting oils, that I'd been looking for at home, another recovery. A cosmic new beginning with the candle light photography.

Rik talks about being diplomatic, although that's not how I feel at this time. If people don't wish to hear the truth, then best people stay away from yours truly. Especially those people that didn't care about the underdog during 2018, as 2018 has been the year of the dog. My recommendation is that people review the parable of the Virgins and wisdom, because 2019 is a great year for wisdom.

I see people congratulating academics for their wisdom on-line, seriously, wisdom is a leper to academia e.g. the house of study. I see friction between people that know the truth, and those that don't and that really started to kick off on Christmas day. I recommend that people don't even try to take on the master's spiritual energy, otherwise they will be defeated in 2019.

I've seen friction between people that have high self-esteem and those that don't. Friction between people that comprehend the root causes and those that don't.

Put it this way, people with high self-esteem don't have teenage pregnancies. Uniqueness and individuality requires high self-esteem and it doesn't require academic validation from outside of the self to be successful in life.

Academia and it's qualifications cannot give you wisdom, you have to comprehend that. Remember that ancient cultures like the Native Americans didn't have universities that charged children £9,000 per year, getting their children into negative energy of debt to start out in life.

In ancient times and even in the 20th century, children began their lives and worked up to becoming masters of their realities due to their experience and being brought up and taught by their own elders from their own cultures.


Only experience can offer you wisdom, experience of life, and those that have lived it divinely. If you are real, if you are strong, if you are love, then you help the underdog in your own local communities.

Rik is young and still has to comprehend that there are some people that cannot help themselves, and that some people have to be shown how to follow the light of life. You can't just say to people "take responsibility", when governments have created systems that co-create the underdogs.

If anyone should take responsibility, it is the western governments that have purposefully made the poor, poorer. It is western governments that have allowed the medical profession to promote flu shots and vaccinate children far more than was ever required.

I've been shown a vision of cats and dogs and some of them had their heads bandaged, brain damaged, so I think we will see a lot more science to do with vaccinations of children, people and animals.

Hence, there are many challenges to overcome because many people require the most help due to the few that tried to control nature. Every time humanity tries to control nature, it always backfires upon humanity. Then humanity doesn't like it's co-creation and the financial cost of it, then they have the audacity to blame those that have suffered from it rather than help them.

It's karmic energies until 2020 in the Cancer north node energies, so it's going to be a lot about the home and that also applies to your bodies that are the home of your souls while your souls are on the planet.

People are reviewing their lives to date this time of year, decisions are being made, what to leave behind and whom to move forward with.

So yes house clearing is an essential prior to the Spring clean. Cleaning house is a priority in every community across the land. It's the only way that people can move forward in integrity.

We are experiencing that throughout Europe at this time. People are not looking for the old parties, people are looking for renewal and rejuvenation that gives children the best opportunities in life. People are looking to vote for a heart of integrity, people with a real heart of conscience.


Every child has the opportunity to renew creation and rejuvenate it when integrity exists in their lives. Children learn what they live, if they live with integrity, they will eventually remember the power of it.

Every child has to honour integrity, every child requires a role model with integrity, the light of truth is essential for a healthy life. Wisdom prospers divinely, for it is god given for divine purpose.

Wisdom with insight was called. Wisdom more precious than rubies and nothing can compare with it. Science is knowledge, but divine wisdom is more powerful. Science applies itself but is quickly replaced with different science.

Do you understand? By the time the youth complete their university degrees they are already out of date! Things are moving so fast in this timeline. My advice since we began the new millennium was to encourage your children to get practical skills, skills that will help them to survive in an ever changing world.

Don't let the globalists and their corporations use up your children's lives. Don't let your children be enslaved by corporatism on the never ending "hamster wheel" of trying to get ahead and keep ahead of the competition and it's materialism.

Children are offered many carrots in life, make sure your children know what's real! I remember when healing students came to meet yours truly for the first time, they often said, "Oh, you're a real person", I responded, "What did you expect?".


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