
Thursday 13 December 2018


I wasn't surprised to see so many Europeans against the UN Migrant Compact. The Pew Research shows us that 82% of Greeks are against more immigration, Israel came in second with the highest population against further immigration with 73%, Hungary with 72%, and Italy coming in at 71% of their population against further migration. Worldwide people oppose more migration both into and out of their countries.

Immigration that is making the rich, richer, and the poor, poorer. UN policy, natives of our historic western culture are suffering persecution due to them saying NO to the UN agenda of "Cultural Genocide" of our countries. We the people will keep on saying NO to the globalists that would like the world to be one big corporation on which the corporations live.

While our own people are suffering immeasurably, nothing is done about it. Immigrants are also homeless on our streets. We the people did not invite mass immigration, nor did we the people agree to it.  In England, we live in the smallest spaces in Europe, we are a tiny country.

Our infrastructures of our historic country were not built for mass immigration, even our roads cannot cope with the extra 2 million cars on the road. So much was done to try to get cars off of our roads, and immigration has gone way beyond by increasing the traffic and its air pollution.

The burden upon our people is far too heavy for our countries to carry, our family cannot carry the families of the world on our backs. Our families that are suffering with 14 million people and children living below the poverty line, and more and more of our people at food banks in the UK.

How many meals did Madeline Albright go without, while she was planning to legitimatise "illegal immigration".

Our Creator, created different cultures and countries for his purpose and reasons, and anyone that tries to destroy creation and the will of the people that he compels to take action against the UN, will be held accountable. Enough, really is enough!

In every single country there is wealth, in every single country there is natural resources. Defend your countries and don't allow the corporations to take them from your people.

Prophet Isaiah gave us a great warning, "Do not make all of the fields one", e.g. NO to NWO and that means NO to the UN Migrant Compact. The Pew Research is also testimony to the will of the people.

When you mix and combine too many cultures together, you cease to have a culture of your own.

In some schools in London, in some classes, it was reported that 67% of children don't even speak English, and 300 different languages are being spoken, that is "Cultural Genocide".

This is how many children were in a junior class in the 60s in London, were we better educated in much smaller classes in those days, of course we were. We could read and write and were ready for work at age 15 with plenty of jobs available to choose from.

An historic culture cannot sustain the massive impact of what has happened to education, nor can our culture afford to educate all of those migrants, when we cannot even afford to train our own nurses, or feed our own people, or provide jobs for our own people.

For a prosperous country to have so many of our people living in poverty, it is an absolute "disgrace" that successive governments have enabled it to happen.

Our western democracy is hanging by a very thin thread indeed.  The politicians were warned in 2007 to stop the immigration immediately, and again in 2013. I warned them that if they didn't stop the immigration than there would be bloodshed in every town and city in the UK.

From a spiritual perspective, people were born in different countries for a purpose, and it is for those individuals to discover the reason why.  For the meaning of life, is to find out the meaning of life and your reason for being.

In 2010, our Christians were called to take action to defend. The ships bell rung to come for the Spirit said, COME.

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