
Thursday 6 December 2018

KADOSH Message

While writing last night on the internet the LORD spoke and he said, "KADOSH", sometimes he speaks in Hebrew to me.

In numerics the 6th is the "Day of Extraction", and the 7th is the "Day of Idosyncrasy", so not surprising that Nigel Farage left UKIP and Gerard Batten won the NEC vote just prior to the new moon. What I am noticing on-line is that the British people are "sick" of British politics and Theresa May.

The populous party in Andalusia in Spain have won and the socialists have been defeated for the first time in 36 years. Interesting numeric 36, as it is about the righteous souls. Italy is refusing to attend the UN Compact Migration conference in Morocco, and Hungary, have refused to sign the agreement.

In the UK there has been a petition of over a 100,000 signatures against it, so now parliament has to discuss it, as the people are saying NO to it.

Interesting that my generation have Pluto in Leo, hence, my generation experienced a lot of drama in our lives. Although it was usually due to what was going on around us that impacted upon our lives this lifetime.

I used to say I've had enough excitement to last me ten lifetimes. Hence seeking peace of mind was a priority in our lives and why so many of us became heavily involved in spirituality, health and healing after the age of 40.

I also have a Sagittarius fire sign ascendent although as we know it is the least fiery sign in the fire signs. Although it's best not to try to push a Sagittarius too far, as we do have boundaries. Otherwise we do respond in a fiery and passionate way with and when the arrows of truth are released from the golden bow to strike the target! I did like archery at school, although my arms were really too little for it, I was tiny in height! No coincidence then that life took yours truly into a career in creative communications as I also have a gemini moon of the communicator.

"The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping". 

This week is also the festival of lights and lighting the candles in Judaism. In biblical prophecy, "Jacob is the fire, Joseph is the flame, and Esau will be stubble" and Esau = "attacker". Nigel certainly made things "personal" in recent years when he was "attacking" those that had loyally supported him and his work.

So wisdom more precious than rubies says it is in the best interests of UKIP, that he and Suzanne Evans have left UKIP. Membership to UKIP has increased and continues to increase on a daily basis, UKIP and it's membership are not dependent upon Nigel for anything.

There were so many new memberships last weekend, HQ had to work overtime over the weekend.

The BREXIT march in London is on the 9th of December organised by Tommy's team, although the rainy weather could have an impact upon that.

I'm lighting candles for different countries that are in my heart his week. There is a major paradigm shift happening in Europe, the people -v- old political regimes. People are extracting themselves from realities that don't align with their knowing, and embracing those that embrace them. Hence, UKIP has become the party of the people for the people in the UK, putting our historic culture and uniqueness first.

With the north node in cancer until 2020, it is also about safety and security, the crab also tends to move sideways. Hence people are standing with people who are willing to defend our historic cultures, and people are stepping away from people that are not.

I tend to hibernate this time of year, my olive body doesn't like the English wintertime. I really should live in a hotter climate that is more suitable and healthy for my body at this phase of my life.

If you would like to know more about this new moon in Sagittarius, Pam Gregory from England, shares her view of it in this video. In England the full moon is on the 7th and that is a spiritual life number. I also live at a 7 numeric as a location compound. The "Day of Idiosyncrasy", is interesting as the word originates from Greek and it means to be "Self-ruled".

I just saw a ball of of purple light surrounded by gold on my right side. Length of days. 


Saffron is for the eyes. 


I will paint the ball and upload it in the morning. 

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