
Monday 10 December 2018


This is for a lady who had her wake today, and she had a very full life, passing over at age 70 and that is a biblical numeric.  The numeric of 70 also aligns with the Septuagint message received earlier in the year. She has been in touch from the other side, so she made it.

It's funny when a clairvoyant is sitting in the pews and the person starts talking to you, I did smile to myself, the Harp of Faithfulness. I don't think that she was a believer while she was on the planet. However, she certainly believes now.

Ms Fisher was born on the 31st of March, 1948 and that was the "Day of Tenacity", she certainly had plenty of that. The passing of the poet was on the 14th of November, 2018 and that was the "Day of Investigator". It was a lovely service today, with the hymn "All Things Bright and Beautiful" and the song, "Somewhere Over The Rainbow", it was very suitable for her.

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