
Saturday 8 December 2018



Great song from George Michael, "GOLDEN SOUL", it's written that it was on his Outrageous album, from 1989. Yesterday, I saw golden energy while bathing, a gold ball in purple energy and it was pulsating. I will spread the paint for it this evening, and upload it on this blog post in the morning.

The colours at this time are purple and gold, both strong spiritual colours. It's great when you are able to see the golden energy, the golden Christos energy.

Best wishes to everyone going on the BREXITMEANSEXIT march tomorrow. Sunday, the 9th of December, in London. 

I watched two of the RT live streams of the rally on the 9th. It was a fabulous turnout with supporters all along the route.  Literally thousands and thousands of people. There were disabled people in their wheelchairs in the front with the police, then the veterans with Tommy and Gerard behind the UKIP banners. Has they arrived in parliament square, the mounted police were leading the march. Some people took their dogs wearing the British flag. 

As they arrived into Whitehall, a singer was singing Hallelujah. At the back of the rally people were ringing their bells, and that reminded me of Christmas 2010, when we were asked to give people bells for Christmas, as in the ship's bell, a call to action. it was an epic day. When I woke up today, to see the blue skies and sunshine, I remembered my dad's words. "The sun shines on the righteous". 

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