
Tuesday 11 December 2018

German's Looting 1942 Man-Made Greek Famine

When I woke up this morning I was shown the date of the German looting of Greece and the man-made famine that was created by the invaders. If you read the history of what happened you will recognise how the EU run by Germany and France has been doing it again.

The EU took control of our fishing waters just like the Germans and their allied forces did in Greece, there are many more similarities. Too many to rewrite. It is estimated that 300,000 Greeks died due to the famine and malnutrition after Germany plundered the country, Greek businesses and economy.

After I was given the date of 1942, I was given the date of 1952, Spirit showed me the dates written.

In 1952, Wikipedia shares with us that the Greeks introduced a more conservative Constitution, a constitution which imposed restrictions on basic human rights and banned the Communist Party of Greece (KKE).

Then after that I was shown the shape of a penis.

It breaks your heart to know that man can be so "cruel", to people that just wished to get on with their own lives in their own ancient culture. A Greek tragedy, over and over again, yet, the German's keep on harming other countries prosperity. The rich that got richer on the backs of the poor. Life is worth more than the EU could ever offer any of our European countries and peoples.

Greek people were being forced to hand over their assets for the price of a loaf of bread! Bible prophecy also warned about that in advance. Plus Elijah and Jesus both said to make sure that you have plenty of oil and flour, for with it you can make bread.

Did you know that Charles referred to his marriage to Diana as a "Greek Tragedy". Why was that, didn't he like it that George Michael and Diana loved each other as beloved friends. Didn't Charles starve Diana by not giving her his love and devotion?


It's no surprise then that the Pew Research shows us that 82% of Greeks say that they against more  migrants. While Israel is the second highest population against more migrants with 73%. Hungary comes in 72% of their population, with Italy coming in at 71% of their population against migration.

Why today to receive this message? On the "Day of Intensity". Today in Morocco some countries were agreeing to the UN Migrant Compact! The UN and EU that plans to swamp our European countries with millions of migrants. Did they even know that the Nigerian government are begging for Nigerians to go home to rebuild their country?

Can you believe it, there were over a 100,000 British signatures signing against the UN Migrant Compact by British people, yet, the British government still signed the UN Migrant Compact and so did the EU!

Now if we go back to the history of 1942, one of the things that the Germans did was to set fire to the forests, forests that provide food for the eco-system, food and fresh air for the people, including wood to provide heating for the people.

Does it make you think about the Greek fires in recent years and the arson that the Greeks know about?

Now look at what has been happening in California. UN Agenda 21. California is the only state in America that is fighting climate change and people are dying in the fires because of it.

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