
Sunday 16 December 2018


So let's have a recap with this months paintings. Colour your life with paint and song. Colour is vibration, and sound is colour, both sound and colour heals scientifically proven. Interesting that the ancient Egyptians worked with colour and crystal sound healing. The crystal vessels were very large so that people could sit inside them.

No coincidence then that Jesus spent time in Egypt with the healers at the time that Buddhists were spreading the word across the African continent. The Egyptians also gave reflexology, and aromatherapy, and so did Mary Magdalene, she was a healer and also clairvoyant, a mystic.

My gran and my mother were clairvoyant and clairaudient, inherited spiritual talents.

In the 20th century healing began to spread again, and there are many healers of different modalities and disciplines in Israel now. Millions of healers spread across the globe.

I was only a child when my mother first took me to meet the Christian healers that worked outside of the Church of England. In those days some of them wore white coats like doctors did. My mother showed me the way, the highway of holiness and a direction in which my life could go.

Interesting that in Iran, dye houses used to be called "House of Christ". The power of colour for healing. The wintertime is a great time to bring the colour into your life.

Original A3 artwork gifted to an English healer, Ana.  

This painting was gifted to a person that is having an operation today.
Our loving and positive thoughts for healing are with her at this time. 
Art like music has a way of connecting people on a soul level. 
Our bodies have many different energetic frequencies. 

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