
Friday 28 December 2018


My son had unusual taste buds when he was a baby, he loved Mulligatawny soup, and he liked all of his food nearly cold.  It's a lovely soup, I shall make some. It includes red lentils, carrots, apples, and coconut milk.

He loved fish fingers, seafood too, prawns, mussels and Spanish and Italian dishes. He loved lasagne and spaghetti with his mum's meat sauce. When I cooked a roast dinner I would put it in the food processor, so that he could eat the same food as we did. Prior to school he didn't like roasted meat much, I think it was too heavy for his tummy.

He didn't like any cooked vegetables other than peas, unless they were raw, he would eat raw mushrooms and carrots. He would eat a large fruit bowl of fruit once a week, as long as he would eat raw veg and fruit I didn't mind. I did my best to give him food that he liked in addition to trying to introduce him to different foods.

I gave him breastmilk for the first six months of his life, he walked early, talked early, out of nappies very early and he grew up with a strong body. In the cradle he would take himself out of his babygro, it was too hot for him.

He was in a proper bed at eight months, although he didn't like going to bed much. I made sure that he had his afternoon sleep every day and if he was ever irritable, I would put him to bed and he always woke up in a better mood.

Sometimes a child is thirsty for water, rather than milk or juice. So make sure that you know what your babies are asking for.

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