
Monday 31 December 2018

2019 Gematria

In Jewish gematria 2019 is the gematria of "Kind Loving Saviour" and "A gematria Love revelation". "I am feeling better every day". "Yahweh is my banner" and "Points of View". "Has revealed Gods will".

That's great isn't it? Also in numerics 2019 compounds to three and three is the numeric of wisdom, so I would like to wish you all a very happy New Year and prosperous 2019.

On the 5/6th of January we also have a solar eclipse and the 5th of January is also the "Day of Recovery", so a great time to have an eclipse, if you are an empath and sensitive to planetary energies then it is very likely that you have already felt the energies coming in, as I have with the new candle light photography. I can see a bird in flight with a golden crown in this photograph, what can you see?

Yesterday for yours truly, was about recovering my home, the painting and decorating has begun again. Thankfully, I received some help with it, and two ceilings are now freshly painted white, although there is a lot more to do to recover my home. That is my focus at this time, recovering what can be recovered making my living space fresh, bright, and white.

So that the new journey can begin in Springtime, so making my lists of what I have to do for when the new year begins.

I always like solar eclipses, I feel their energy strongly. With the Capricorn energy it is bound to be powerful for England and Greece, a soul connection for the people of our nations. A gematria love revelation indeed. This photograph reminds me of my grandmother Sophia, as she was a flapper girl in the 1920s.

She was an absolutely amazing woman that appreciated every day that she was able to live and love on the planet. A woman that was always compassionate towards the "underdog", a Christian woman that lived it rather than talked about her Christian life. She didn't go to church, she had no requirement for it. She had seen a lot of life and that is why she was incredibly strict with my mother as a child, her only child.

Sophia led by example and would talk about the importance of peace of mind, breathing in the sea air, and picking the best fruit as we danced and sang together on the promenade. Her home was sparse, although if my mother bought her nice things, she would give them away to anyone that liked what she had been given.

She had no requirement for things, life and living it, has healthy as possible was much more important to her, and of course sharing time with her daughter, and granddaughter. An outpouring of love! She was clairvoyant, and clairaudient, she could see and hear much. Her energy was transformational, just a few words that could change a life, and turn people around.

It's a great time for Greek and English food. Lamb shanks are on the menu, Kleftiko, one of my favourite Greek dishes. Goats milk is also great for the back, and I do like Greek Feta cheese and Fage Greek yoghurt.

I also have fish on the menu this week, salmon, and cod, and the English are looking forward to recovering our fishing waters from the EU in 2019.

"Has revealed Gods will".

Don't forget the "Sobbing Dream", received yesterday. As after I had written this blogpost a young person came sobbing at my door bereaved. Please be sympathetic to the bereaved.

What I can tell you is that YAHWEH is written in the flesh of my hand.

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