
Thursday 15 November 2018


If I am seriously looking at a move, I have a review carried out of my astrocartography chart to see what planets impact the most in a specific location and what is the best that a particular location has to offer.

In 1998, prior to moving to Australia the chart showed success with media and work and that was perfectly true. Not only that - it was incredible for spiritual experiences, Australia was a power house for yours truly and I met some amazing people.


The Canaries were great too, I had a fabulous time teaching Reiki students in the Canaries, the last time I was in the Canaries was when I took my mother on holiday. I really like the all year round weather in the Canaries. It's a great location for winter sunshine. Although the lady on the right lived in the Philippines with her husband. She organised everything and both of us flew in to heal family together. Reminds me of that song, so happy together, always in my heart.

I'm considering another move in the not too distant future because it is no longer safe to live in England, and I asked about two different locations, Italy, and Greece.

Italy wasn't offering anything specific to yours truly in my planetary chart, and from past experience I know that to be true. Although I did enjoy teaching Reiki Mastership in Italy on an agritourismo in the heart of Italy in Umbria and I did see a large heart chakra on the land.

Then when I asked about a location in Greece, the response for the best aspect that Robert could see was 'Vitality". Greece was given 7/10 for yours truly, and the best time to travel to it was the timeline that I had already decided upon in 2019. As they say, it is written in the stars!

Take a look at this photo taken the last time I was in Greece, feel the love, see the Christo love energy that manifested on film.  I'd just walked into the airport when I decided to stop and take a picture of the ancient statue.

Photo taken at Athens airport.

Some locations are more healthy for you than others, some offer you vitality, and some don't. So if you are considering your health and longevity, then always consider the locations that can offer it to you by checking your birth and astrocartography charts.

I like to speak to Robert Currey at Equinox if and when I am thinking about a big move, because I've known him since the 90's when we were working on the same circuit.

He used to own the "Astrology Shop" in Covent Garden. Remember what Hippocrates said about the physicians and astrology.

Every location has it's own energies and vibrations, every location is ruled by different planets and aspects.

Wherever I go, he's always with me, we're ready to go.  

His energy was incredibly strong in Israel too while I was traveling around Israel in 2006-2007, that was the last time that the North Node was in Cancer with the South Node in Capricorn. 

2019 is an auspicious year for wisdom more precious than rubies and Greece is where it's gateway is. 

Mars enters Pisces today, great time for inspired planning, and artistic works. Venus goes direct tomorrow, great for the power of love, and Mercury goes retrograde on the same day. A good time to get my technology sorted out and send my computer to hospital. 

For a person to have full vitality they have to live in locations with great vitality, otherwise the location can keep on bringing a person down. 

Robert doesn't think that I will settle anywhere permanently for about two years, he thinks it's going to be a matter of have case will travel and living out of a suitcase for awhile. That reminded me of what Jesus shared while I was living in Australia in 1998-1999, he said that I was learning to live out of a suitcase, so that when the time comes and he says, go, I have to go. Hence, every time he's told me to go somewhere I did.

Whilst I was waiting to speak to Robert, a strong aroma of almonds came under my nose, I smiled, and thought I know who that is and where that's coming from. The heart of Greece that called me in. 


I asked the Lord about two different people this year prior to speaking to Robert Currey about the planetary map. 

I asked to be shown, and be told why they had come into my life. His response to the first request was that the man's heart had called me in. His second response about a different person was that we had to look after each other, as in next of kin. 

It is often the case that divine clarification is required when you have to make important choices in life; choices that not only impact upon your life, but also the life of others. That is how I work too, when I am looking at a person's health, while looking at a specific health case, I am given divine clarification on it. Often before I even ask for any. That's what makes a guruji, the divine light on the life experience that is offered to help others. 

I have been invited to return to Australia to live, although if I did that now in this timeline, I would be turning my back on our historic European cultures, and I can't do that. Home is where the heart is and my heart is in Europe. 

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