
Wednesday 14 November 2018


Lauren Southern and team have been going to the areas in Europe where NGO's are involved in the migrant crisis. Making a documentary called "Borderless". Whilst making the movie the team managed to infiltrate the American NGO known as 'Advocates Abroad".

It's executive director is Ariel Ricker, and since RT covered the story of what Ricker has been telling migrants to do to get into Europe, both her Twitter and FB accounts have been deleted.

I did manage to track down some information on Ricker, she has had the backing of Obama's law school, Harvard. She also worked in Obama's Hawaii, judicial departments. "Advocates Abroad" is an American 501c3 tax-exempt organisation. One for the FBI to raid I think.

All the universities that have been involved in helping to fund the NGO "Advocates Abroad", are now stressed out about this reality.  Over 25 universities have had students fund-raising by selling tee-shirts to fund Ariel Ricker's NGO.

What can the academics and politicians across Europe and America say now? That all of the activists are acting, role-playing, like they are teaching the economic migrants to do? What happened to integrity Ricker? Ricker backed by the UN, and we all know about the UN agenda don't we and their plan to bring in another 100M economic migrants with the excuse of climate change. Europe that means cultural genocide of our historical cultures. We have to put a stop to it now, enough really is enough.

What an Obama drama, teaching Muslims how to act as though they are Christians to get them past the EU border guards. Will there be a parliamentary debate on the reality of the cultural genocide that is being co-created by NGO's? Any comment from Harvard, Cambridge or Oxford University yet, how about Jeremy Corbyn and Tim Farron that promoted and supported the NGO featured in this bombshell story!

Congratulations to the dauntless Lauren Southern and the team for bringing this into the light of day.

The last time that yours truly was in Athens, people from Muslim countries were also being given new identities, new names, and new passports and paperwork. I wish I'd been wearing a camera to film it, or a tape recorder.

Venus moves forward now!

1 comment:

  1. While bathing today was told "The big wigs are on it now". Tommy was correct.
