
Friday 23 November 2018


Some brilliant news in today, Gerard Batten has appointed Tommy Robinson as an advisor to UKIP on "Grooming Gangs" and "Prison Reform".

Tommy doesn't have to be a member of UKIP to be an advisor to it's deserved leader.

However, I think everyone that supports Gerard Batten with a Baton, should do the right thing and join UKIP, I intend to do so.

As the commandment says, "Do not touch my anointed ones, and do my prophets no harm". Septuagint Psalm 104.

Of course, Nigel Farage isn't happy about it and nor will Jeremy Corbyn or Theresa May be, tough, Tommy has done the work that could have been done by the politicians decades ago to protect our women and children.

It was disclosed recently in an email from UKIP, that a former Chief prosecutor in the North West, said that in 2008, the British police forces were told by the Home Office not to investigate claims about "Grooming Gangs", so it is a fact that the Labour party are also responsible for what has happened to the feminine since 2008.

This is the painting that I sent to Tommy, for Tommy and his family while he was in prison. It's full of my love beyond measure and golden Christos energy. I also sent him some cumin seeds for self-preservation.

So what choice do you have? VOTE UKIP, become a member of it today!

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