
Friday 23 November 2018


I had a dream on the full moon of my son, he had long hair and he refused to put what looked like a musicians plectrum into a joint of his body, and everyone was telling him that he had to go to hospital to have it put into his body.

Then I saw him walking into hospital with his friends, his hair was long.  I woke up due to the dream, and I was saying, "My son is in hospital, my son is in hospital".


To dream of the hips is a warning dream. In dream interpretation to dream of visiting a hospital indicates surprising news. The plectrum, otherwise known as a pick has a long history going back to ancient times.

If you hear people talking in a dream it can indicate improved status in social position and/or business is forecast in a dream of hearing speech.

The bible warned him to stay close to his mother, although that double Aquarian didn't read any of the bible or take his mother's wisdom on board. My son is 35 years old, a man now, old enough to make his own decisions in life. He often went his own way, and often came a cropper for doing so, what can you do with these millennials that think they know better than their elders? 

The times his mother had to pick up the pieces of him and his life. What can you do with young people that refuse to listen? You just have to let them go and learn from their actions until they come home again. Usually more humble hearted than when they left. 

My son grew up in the age of computer technology, his mother grew up in the age of having music in our souls. Completely different realities and planetary configurations. Even his north node soul journey indicates that he can only resolve his issues by being close to his next of kin, as he was born with north node in Cancer the Crab. Planetary wise we are also in north node Cancer until 2020 and it is a karmic time. 

The millennials that were born with their soul journeys in north node Cancer the Crab and south node Capricorn, were born between the the 25th of September 1981 - 16th of March, 1983. 

The earlier generation born with this north node were born between 24th December 1962 - 25th August 1964. 

After our first Saturn Return, in our 30s our bodies start to change, as what our body produces naturally begins to decrease and that can impact on the health of the body. The older you get the more the decrease, increases, until you can feel it in your bodies or a health condition is triggered. Another reason why specific nutrients are essential. 



  1. So today was the ordained day, that was a surprise. "The Day of Contention".

  2. Engraved guitar picks. Turn around times.
