
Saturday 24 November 2018


It's a few years ago when I had a dream about people with Parkinson's asking yours truly for help, and those people were living in France.

New Scientist have shared that Parkinson's Disease may start in the appendix, not the brain. Evidence has been growing that it could begin in the nerves of the gut. I've provided you with a link to the article so that you can read more.

We also know from medical science that gut health is transgenerational, the quality of the "Gut Flora", is impacted upon by the grandparents, parents and mother of the child. Not only that but every person that touches a child prior to the age of three also impacts on the quality of their gut flora.

What you eat, the nutrients that you put inside your bodies impact upon the health of future generations.

The scientists also discovered that the Dutch pregnant women that were starving for three months during WWII, their lack of food and nutrients was a contributory factor in the development of diabetes in their children.

So then all of those women that went on strict fad diets in the 20th century, might like to think about the impact that could've had on the health of their children. Just think of all of those models that were starving themselves to get a job!

The 21st century was born in wisdom!

The same with extensive fasting, remember it was Prophet Isaiah that was against food fasting. Another reason why Jesus made it clear that food and it's nutrition was vitally important to the health of the poor. How can the poor afford fish when there are 14 million people and children living in poverty in the UK?

It's not just about eating either, it's the nutrients you are receiving that is imperative to the quality of your health. Since October 2014, when the LORD said, "FLORA", I've identified that different systems in your body require different nutrients, and different health conditions also require different nutrients and minerals.

So what did I make for thanksgiving to share with a neighbour? A ground almond and hazelnut cake, sometimes people are more willing to eat the necessary nutrients when you put the nutrients in something that they like to eat. My dad loved his fruit and nuts.


With any health condition, it is essential to look at what a person is eating that could be why their body isn't working in the dynamic healing way that it could be.

So in all of the Parkinson case studies I would be looking at their menu's to see what their body isn't getting! It's often the case that people will say, "I'm not eating that", when you make suggestions of how to improve their health with the appropriate food. People can really eat their way back to health as my veteran dad proved when he was paralysed in his 20s.

The nervous system requires specific nutrients, in fact, the nervous system depends upon it, as do other systems in the body. One of the preservers of the intestines is cumin seeds. "The Lord preserves the souls of his saints" Septuagint Psalm 96. He tells me what to eat if and when I require extra nutrients. Divine guidance and intervention is wonderful. Always divine!

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