
Thursday 1 November 2018

Jupiter Trine Chiron "Day of Onslaught"

This week we've had St Marks basilica flooded in Venice and on the 20th of August the heavenly Father said, "Five miles from the basilica".

In numerics today is the "Day of Onslaught" and it is also "Jupiter Trine Chiron" on the 1st of November, at 1.36PM. An important timing for the righteous souls.

So it is not surprising that today the publisher and author Milo Yiannopoulos has launched his latest book "Diabolical" it's about Pope Francis and the Catholic Church, it's Liberals that have promoted Islamic immigration and climate change as an excuse for migration.  For the full press release and to read the book previews do read it on his website.

The same Liberals that supported Hillary Clinton and we all know what happened to Libya when Clinton was in charge, complete devastation of it's leader and family.

Last night on a live stream, uploaded to youtube, Milo was talking about his new book, and how Pope Francis has to be gone, with the Liberal gay cardinals, and bishops etc.

Jupiter trine Chiron, some say it's "healing of the warrior". I think it is bigger than that, a lot bigger, this is about the true Knights that have stood for and defended truth throughout the ages during many lifetimes. The Knights that love life and it's procreation, men that have defended the heavenly realms and the true feminine. The brave souls that Archangel Michael spoke of all of those years ago.

Every son has a birth mother and every child as the potential to renew and rejuvenate creation. "The Lord preserves the souls of his saints" Septuagint Psalm 96.

Men have fought many battles with the Catholic Church, this time it will be the final. History is in the making. Milo is a sun sign Libra, so justice is incredibly important to him and his heart, health and healing. I wish him the very best with his new book, it is definitely the timeline for it and the broadening of the horizons for him and his life. Justice can be a very thin line to walk, it's like walking a tightrope, it requires tremendous balance for justice to be successful.

Last night on his live stream I found Milo to be grounded, happily married, looking healthy, being comedic and incredibly informative and factual. Milo also has an Australian tour planned with American Conservative author, Anne Coulter. 

The other news today, Tommy Robinson is planning his tour of Australia with Gavin McInnes and the "Proud Boys" will be joining him. In the recent dream of Tommy he looked really happy.

"The point of the sword of truth is to prick the conscience of those that are sleeping".

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