
Tuesday 27 November 2018


Rik says that we haven't had this planetary configuration for 500 years. November the 27th is also the "Day of Excitement". Interesting that 500 years also links into a biblical timeline. For instance in 2015, one of the first bibles translated into English 500 years ago, went under the hammer for £35K.

This Sagittarius rising was awake and up at 5am this morning, feeling energetic, and ready to go. The sun aligning with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, opportunity and potential.

How about you, how are you feeling? Do you require any help to clear anything in your life to free you up, as this is a very intense week. This is the week to get on with whatever has to be done now, right now! In the UK people are planning the big BREXIT rally on the 9th of December, 2018 in London.  In America they're having to defend their southern border and that is really intense too.

Relationship dynamics also comes to the fore in your lives this week. What I saw today, is that people are finally comprehending what they would really like in their lives.

What people prefer for the next phase of their lives, opened minded, opened hearted to the truth, and hearts are knowing what the heart of integrity really means now as far as companionship is concerned. As Rik says, "You can't fight mother nature", "tough love".

Venus there is a lot of love energy this week, although the mother is the first person to teach discipline to the children and that can manifest in different ways. As we know Donald John Trump had a strong Scottish mother, that certainly had a huge impact upon him and how he lived his family life. As I've shared with some of the Americans on-line, a great dad deserves great respect!


Making things happen by taking action, if you are having any difficulty in your life this week, I recommend the "WALNUT" flower essence, as it is specifically for helping people with adapting to the changes in your lives. The Walnut is also "anti-cancer'.  So a good week for making coffee and walnut cake, one of my favourite cakes. On the 2nd of December, it's also the start of Hanukkah, Jewish festival of lights.

Yes there has been some issues with the internet in recent days, usually happens during mercury retrograde. I don't feel it as "rebellious energy", I feel it more as those that know the facts of the truth, letting their voices be heard and sometimes that has to be in the written word due to any financial restrictions that is cautioning people to take it steady. It also means boots on the ground to support those that have supported you. So for instance I asked a young man that I have supported to run an errand for me today, and he was on it immediately. 

As we turn the corner into new situations and realities in 2019 and for some that might mean returning home to your soul connections, or returning to where your soul has to be for the next phase of your life and it's vitality.  2019, a great year for wisdom more precious than rubies, viewing it through the eyes of positivity, and optimism.

Eat the best that you can, quality and variety is far more important than quantity, all the best nutrients that are applicable to you as a unique individual. Remember it is your health for you to take care of and make your priority, and I will support you all of the way with it. If you require any help with it. 

Healthy length of days is what we are aiming for now, so get on board with it - for you and your nation.   


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