
Friday 2 November 2018

Anagignoskomenos = "Being Read"

Update on the SEPTUAGINT message.


KAIMOS = Grief

Ine megalos o yialos; ine makri to kima. 

The lyrics in English. 

"The coast is large and the wave is large. The grief is large and very bitter. 
The river within me is very bitter. The blood is from your wound. 
And what is more bitter than the blood is your kiss on my lips" 

That is what they sing! 

Why can you not sing of the beauty of seashells and the healing potential that they have? Why did the church not teach you all the power of the ocean and it's contents?  If what is precious to God is not precious to you, than why should the LORD allow you to keep it? 

What does the Septuagint say? 

"The Lord reigns he has clothed himself with honor. 
The Lord has clothed and girded himself with strength,
for he has established the world, which shall not be moved,
Your throne is prepared of old.
You are from everlasting.
The rivers have lifted up their voices,
at the voices of many waters. 
The billows of the seas are wonderful.
The Lord is wonderful in high places.
Your testimonies are made very sure,
Holiness becomes your house, O Lord, unto length of days" 

Psalm 92

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